Suppress duplicate rows in an ad-hoc query

To remove rows of matching data from the results of an ad-hoc query, you can configure the query’s properties to suppress duplicate rows. However, duplicate rows may still appear for one-to-many fields. For example, if you include Phone number in the output, and a constituent has multiple phone numbers, each number appears on a separate row in the query results. To delete or hide duplicates, you can use the query in a report or export the query to Microsoft Excel.

  1. When you add or edit the query, select the Set save options tab.

  2. Select Suppress duplicate rows.

  3. Click Save. The results page appears.



You are here: Overview > Need Help with Analysis? > Information Library > Ad-Hoc Queries > Create Ad-Hoc Queries > Set Query Properties > Suppress Duplicates in Ad-hoc Query Results > Suppress Duplicate Rows in an Ad-hoc Query