Add a prospect educational institution

  1. From the prospect’s Wealth and Ratings page, select the Biographical Information tab.

  2. Expand the Educational institution section.

  3. Expand the entry you want to edit.

  4. Click Edit. The Edit education history screen appears.

  5. To designate the education program being added as the primary education for the individual, select Primary education information. If this is the first education history record for the constituent, it will be marked as primary automatically.

  6. In the Educational institution field, select the institution that the individual attends or attended.
  7. In the Program field, select the program the individual attended at the institution, such as Undergraduate.

  8. In the From and To fields, select the dates the individual attended the selected program at the institution.

  9. In the Status field, select the educational status of the individual at the institution, such as “Currently attending” or “Graduated”. If you are unsure of the status, select “Unknown”.

  10. In the Degree and Honor awarded fields, select the degree of the program attended, such as BA or PhD, and whether the individual received the degree at the institution.

  11. In the Class of field, enter the actual class year for the individual at the institution.

  12. In the Information source and Source date fields, select the source for the education information and the date you receive it.

  13. In the Comments field, enter any additional information about the individual’s history at the educational institution.

  14. Under Graduation information, if the individual graduated, enter the date, the individual’s class, and the class with which the individual prefers to identify. For example, the individual be assigned a different class than her peers because of a late or early graduation. But the individual may prefer to list the same class as her peers.

  15. Under Additional information, enter information about the education history, such as the college or school attended at the institution, department, or degree type.

  16. Click Save.



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Research Wealth Record > Biographical Information > Educational Institutions Information > Edit Prospect Education Institution