Delete a Designation

You can delete a designation only when no revenue records are associated with it. When you delete a designation, all of its child-level designations are also removed.

Note: Rather than delete a designation, you can mark it as inactive. Inactive designations remain in your database, but users cannot associate them with future revenue records. If necessary, you can reactivate an inactive designation. For information about how to mark an designation as inactive, see Mark a Designation as Active or Inactive.

You can delete a designation in several ways.

  • From the Hierarchy tab of a designation record, click Delete under Tasks.

  • From the Hierarchy tab of a designation record, click the double arrows next to a designation in the hierarchy to expand its row. From the action bar that appears, click Delete.

  • From the Fundraising Hierarchies page, click the double arrows next to a designation to expand its row. From the action bar that appears, click Delete.

After you click Delete, a confirmation message appears. To confirm the deletion, click Yes.