Donation Forms
From Web, you can create and manage web forms to accept donations to your designations. These donation forms can complement your organization’s existing website. For example, you can link to donation forms from your website. Other than the links, this requires no changes to your website, and if you stop accepting donations to a designation, you can remove its form from the web.
Note: Altru displays each form on a web page with a standard design and format. Each form also shares a shopping cart, home page URL, and acknowledgement email message. To configure these settings, go to Web and select the tasks under Configuration. For information about these options, see Design Web Pages, Browser Settings and Home Page URL, Web Payment Settings, and Design Acknowledgement Email.
To create donation forms, go to Web and click Manage donation forms. The grid displays your organization’s designation hierarchy. You can access designation records, edit designations, create web forms for designations, and edit options for donation forms.
Under Designations, your organization’s designation hierarchy from Fundraising appears. For information about designations and the designation hierarchy, see the Fundraising Guide. Under Live on website, green checkmarks appear for designations that have web forms. When you select an entry in the grid, details about the designation and its web form appear.
To create donation forms and manage existing web forms, select designations in the hierarchy and use the buttons on the Manage Donation Forms page.
To open a designation record, click the name in the Public name column.
To edit a designation’s properties, click Edit. For a detailed explanation of the options on this screen, see the fundraising section of the help file.
To create a donation form for a designation, click Approve for website. If the designation is active and the current date is between its start and end dates, Altru creates a donation form and a green checkmark appears under Live on website. The URL appears with the designation details in the grid. On the donation form, website users can donate to the designation and any child designations in the hierarchy that are approved for the website. If the green checkmark does not appear under Live on website, check the designation’s status and its start and end dates to confirm that it is active and the date range is current.
To remove a donation form, click Exclude from website. The designation still exists in the fundraising designation hierarchy, but its form is no longer active. If users attempt to access the form, Altru redirects them to the home page you designate on the Website URL screen. For information about the home page, see Browser Settings and Home Page URL.
To configure donation form options such as minimum gift amount and whether to allow recurring gifts, click Options. When you approve a designation for the website, it inherits the default donation form options. With the donation options, you can adjust the settings for each donation form. For more information, see Donation Form Options.
To filter the designations in the grid, use the filter tool. You can filter by the designation's name and whether it is approved for the website and whether a donation form is posted.