Gateway Declines

Gateway declines can occur for a variety of reasons and prevent a transaction from processing. If the transaction can't be authorized, it will be issued a decline code and result to explain why the transaction failed.

Here are some of the common credit card and direct debit failures and recommended steps to resolve:

Code Gateway Result Action
104 The card has reached the credit limit or insufficient funds are available. Contact the cardholder and request a different form of payment.








Please call the number on the back of your card. Your bank requested that we do not honor this card.

Because the issuing bank didn't share a detailed decline reason, the cardholder should contact the card company and discuss what happened. Once the transaction has been cleared by the bank, retry the transaction.
110 Insufficient funds in the account.

Contact the cardholder and request a different form of payment.

111 The card has reached the credit limit or insufficient funds are available.

Contact the cardholder and request a different form of payment or smaller amount.

112 The PIN is invalid.

Ask the cardholder to try again with the correct PIN or request a different form of payment.




Stolen or lost card. Contact the cardholder and request a different form of payment.



Please attempt your transaction again. Try a different payment method or the payer can contact the issuing bank for more information.
131 Invalid expiry date. Re-enter the expiration date and submit the payment.



Invalid card verification number. Either the three or four digit security code doesn't match what the cardholder's bank has on file or the expiration was typed incorrectly. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.




Invalid account number. The card number may have been entered incorrectly or the card may be invalid. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.
135 Expired card. Expiration date provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.
137 The authorization request was declined because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check. The numerical address or zip code submitted does not match what the bank has on file, likely because the address was entered incorrectly or your AVS Fraud Management settings are too high. Re-enter the card information. If it continues to decline, you can consider changing your AVS level to Light.





Error: General system failure. This message can have a few causes, most commonly due to incorrect information being entered or a decline by the cardholder's bank. For more information, see Knowledgebase article Transactions receive General System Failure message.
158 The payment method was not authenticated.

Cardholder failed 3D Secure (3DS) authentication. Retry the transaction again using the multi-factor authentication method provided to the cardholder.

159 This transaction requires authentication. Re-enter the card information using a SCA-compliant checkout (like Blackbaud Checkout) and submit the payment.
162 Invalid branch or institution number.

The routing number may have been entered incorrectly. Re-enter the direct debit information and submit the payment.

163 Authentication Failed. Retry the transaction again using the multi-factor authentication method provided to the cardholder.
164 Unable to process because the bank account failed or the mandate is no longer active. Contact the account holder to try another form of payment. Obtain new direct debit bank account information from the account holder.



High risk of fraud determined for this transaction. The transaction's risk score exceeded the Blackbaud Merchant Services threshold or it failed one of the fraud checks. If the transaction is valid, you can enter it offline.
803 The amount exceeds the maximum per transaction amount limit. Blackbaud Merchant Services has a transaction amount limit for each currency. If the amount exceeds the limit, the cardholder needs to make multiple transactions. For example, instead of a $60,000 USD payment (which exceeds the limit), the cardholder can make two $30,000 payments.
805 Sorry, we are unable to process your transaction at this time. Please try again later. Your Blackbaud disbursement bank account is not valid. To resolve, you need to email Blackbaud's Account Validation Team with the error message and your Site ID.
807 Successful Void. The transaction was authorized but not captured. Retry the transaction.
812 California state law prohibits this transaction. Contact the organization to donate. Error due to California state regulations, which restricts online donations. For more information, see California Assembly Bill 488: Impact to Charitable Organizations.
  Multiple attempts at using this credit card have resulted in errors. For security reasons, we cannot accept transactions using this credit card. Please contact us directly to process your transaction. Error due to suspicious or potentially fraudulent behavior. If the transaction attempt is valid, chat with Support and request to have the card removed from the blocklist, then retry the transaction. If it fails again, the cardholder should contact the card company.
  The client IP XXXXXXX has been added to the block list due to repeated authorization failures. Error due to suspicious or potentially fraudulent behavior because multiple transactions were attempted by the same IP. If the transaction attempt is valid, chat with Support and request to have the IP(s) removed from the blocklist, then retry the transaction.
  Not Processed. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.
  Unable to update the card information. Error due to legislation related to the Visa Stored Credential Framework and/or Strong Customer Authentication. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.
  Unable to authenticate the card information. Error due to legislation related to the Visa Stored Credential Framework and/or Strong Customer Authentication. Re-enter the card information and submit the payment.
  Invalid branch or institution number. Re-enter the bank account information from the account holder.
  Voided. Typically, this message occurs when a direct debit transaction is processed and refunded on the same day.

Tip: Credit Card Updater from Blackbaud Merchant Services is included in your rate and reduces declines in recurring giving by updating your supporters' credit cards automatically. For more information, see Credit Card Updater.