Roles and permissions
Client admins can determine who can access or manage various capabilities. A role can be configured with a combination of permissions and is then assigned to client admins. Admins can have multiple roles.
From the CSRconnect Admin Portal, select Users and then select Manage Roles.
Note: If a user is assigned roles with conflicting permissions, the user is granted that permission.
Super Admin: Access to all permissions, allowing admin to pull reporting, manage settings, approve matching gifts and volunteer grants, create Engagement Elements, and more.
Reporting Admin: Access to all Data Hub and Data Feeds.
Volunteer Coordinator: Access to Event Manager, ability to create events, and permission to view each Volunteer report in the Data Hub.
Select + Create role.
Enter a descriptive name or title.
Enter a longer description. Consider what the role will enable the user to do, the purpose of the role, associated departments, and job titles.
Select Save and manage permissions.
For each permission, select whether to Allow or Deny.
Review the allowed permissions in the Policy Summary.
In the list of existing roles, find the role. At the end of its row, select Edit - Manage roles.
For each permission, select whether to Allow or Deny.
Review the allowed permissions in the Policy Summary.
Then select Edit role details.
Consider updating the name or the role and its description.
Select Save changes.
You can delete a role. Users will lose access to the corresponding capabilities, unless they have another role that grants them access.
In the list of existing roles, find the role. At the end of its row, select Edit - Manage roles.
Select Remove role.
In the list of existing roles, find the role. At the end of its row, select Manage users.
Enter a name. Then type Enter or select Search.
From the search results, find the users and then select Add.
In the list of existing roles, find the role. At the end of its row, select Manage users.
Select Bulk upload users.
Select Download a template. Based on your browser settings, a .csv file is saved to your local computer.
Edit and save the file in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.
Return to CSRconnect Admin Portal, Users, Manage roles, Manage users, Bulk upload users.
Select Continue.
Upload the file and save your changes.