Manage event participants
Event administrators can complete individual or bulk participant check-ins, remove participant check-ins, and remove participations from an event.
Select Volunteer from the top menu, then Manage to open the Manage Opportunities page.
Select the name of the event. This opens a detail page.
Select Manage Event.
Select Manage Participants.
Choose from the following topics.
Check in an individual participant
Select the checkbox next to the name of the participant.
Select Check in.
On the warning message, select Check in.
Remove an individual participant's check-in
Select Checked in for the applicable participant.
On the warning message, select Remove.
Remove an individual participation from the event
Select the checkbox next to the name of the participant.
Select Remove.
On the warning message, select Remove.
Check in multiple participants
Select the checkbox next to each participant to check in. If checking in all participants listed in the view, select Select All.
Select Check in.
On the warning message, select Check in.
Remove check-ins for multiple participants
Select the checkbox next to each applicable participant to remove their check-in. If removing check-ins for all participants listed in the view, select Select All.
Select Remove Check-in.
On the warning message, select Remove.
Remove participation for multiple participants
Select the checkbox next to each applicable participant to remove their participation. If removing participations for all participants listed in the view, select Select All.
Select Remove Participation.
On the warning message, select Remove.