Mobile check-in
Participants can use mobile check-in to check in for an event using their smartphone cameras. By scanning the event’s QR code, a participant logs in using Basic or single sign-on (SSO) and can:
Check in for one or multiple event shifts.
Check in with a guest.
Review meetup instructions.
Register for an event shift.
Check in when registered to a waitlist.
Participants have a 12-hour window before and after the shift start time to check in for a shift using mobile check-in. In addition, checking in for a shift is only available using mobile check-in and the Manage Participants feature for admins, which is available through Volunteer, Manage, Manage Event, Manage Participants.
To display the QR code for participant check-in to this event:
1. Navigate to Volunteer, Manage, Manage Event.
2. Right-click on the QR code.
3. Open the image in a new tab to display the image on your device or print it out.
Each event has a unique QR code.
The event's QR code only appears in Manage Event when the event is live, not when it is in draft mode or closed.
To offer mobile check-in options to participants, your company’s SSO policy must allow remote access.
Check in for one shift
When participants arrive at the event, they will:
Scan the QR code at the registration location.
Select Check in.
Review any provided meetup instructions.
Check in for multiple shifts
When participants arrive at the event for which they have registered for multiple shifts, they will:
Scan the QR code at the registration location.
Select each shift they are checking in for.
Select Check in.
Review any provided meetup instructions.
Note: Participants can also register for additional shifts at the event. For more information, see Register for an event shift at an event.
Check in with a guest
When participants arrive at the event with one or more guests, they will:
Scan the QR code at the registration location.
Select the shift they are checking in for and each guest they are checking in.
Select Check in.
Review any provided meetup instructions.
Review meetup instructions
When participants who have checked in want to review meetup instructions, they can:
Scan the QR code at the registration location.
Review any provided meetup instructions.
Register for an event shift at an event
If participants arrive at an event but have not signed up for a shift, they can:
Scan the QR code at the registration location.
Sign up for the shift if capacity is available.
Scan the QR code a second time to check in for the event shift.
Check in as waitlisted
When participants arrive at the event but are currently waitlisted, they can:
1. Scan the QR code at the registration location.
2. Contact the event coordinator(s) listed for assistance using either email or by phone (if provided).