Recent charges
Recent charges is a filterable list of charges, defaulting to all charges incurred within the last 30 days.
From the Recent charges page, Billing clerks can add charges manually on a per-student basis or to an entire group of students based on matching criteria, export the list of charges, generate charges, or further evaluate a payment by reviewing its summary record.
To get started, log into Billing management, hover over Billing in the navigation, and select Billing management. On the page, select the Recent charges tab.
Generate charges (e.g., required fees, optional fees, and tuition) for all students for a given school year
To get started, select Generate charges under ... More on the Recent charges list.
To generate charges:
Select a School year.
Select a Session.
Optional: Select Tuition and any Required fees to generate charges for those options.
Enter a Charge date that is applied to all generated charges.
Enter a Due date that is applied to all generated charges.
Select Generate Charges.
Once complete, charges are generated for any options selected within the opted school year
Select Add charge
Select a charge type
Add summary charge:
A generalized explanation of the incurred charges; the summary charge does not detail each charge.
Add detailed charge:
A breakdown of each individual incurred charge (e.g., each book purchased in a library). -
Add charges to group:
Apply a single charge to a group of individuals at one time based on matching criteria.
Add charges to a group enables applying the same charges to multiple students at one time.
Enter the Charged On date.
Enter what you are Charging for.
Enter the Amount owed by the related statement recipient.
Enter the Due Date.
Select a Post status. Select Not yet posted to have the charge appear in the general ledger. Select Mark as posted to keep the charge from appearing in a general ledger run.
Auto-apply payments/credits applies payments and credits to charges; you can manually select which charges have payments and credits applied to them with the Auto-Apply? option beside each listed charge.
Auto-apply payments/credits takes the oldest unapplied or partially applied credit on the account and applies it to the charge. If there are no credits, the oldest unapplied or partially payment on the account is used. If the oldest credit or payment does not cover the charge, the second oldest unapplied payment or credit is used; this cycle repeats, prioritizing credits and then payments in chronological order, until either the charge is fully applied or no available payments or credits exist.
Add a group of people to add students based on a matched condition, or,
Enter a name into the Search for a record field. Repeat this step for each student to manually add them to the list.
To add a group of people:
Select one of the three options. Each option is comprised of two steps: search for students that match a set of conditions, and then select the charges to apply to each matched student.
Use a specific group:
Expand the drop-downs to pinpoint the specific group of students to charge. -
Pull from an excel spreadsheet
Determine the import format and then select Create template file to download a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Follow the format included in the template and then drag the saved Excel file into the Drag file here square. -
Paste a list of students:
Enter the first name followed by the last name of each student on a separate line.
Enter or edit the charge information for any student as needed.
Select Finish.
Select Add charges.
Late fees generate for students with a past due balance, specifically from either a past due payment plan installment or a charge that falls outside of an installment. Late fees only generate for current students with a
Charges must have the Include in late fee toggled to be included when generating late fees. Additionally, late fees are generated on a per-student basis, determined by if Can be assessed a late fee is enabled on student profiles.
The charge transaction and due date are based on the charge settings. The late fees post date is the same date as the transaction date.
Responsibility for the late charge is always set to any statement recipient.