Add miscellaneous fees

Create miscellaneous fees associated with non-tuition charges (e.g., yearbook or uniform fee). Determine miscellaneous fees by classification or by a static set amount.

To create miscellaneous fees:

  1. Select a Fee name to determine the settings to apply.

    Note: Fee names are defined under Table settings.

  2. Determine which factors influence the fee:

    • Subject to late fees: The charge, when past due, is impacted by the Late fee special fee.

    • Included in TRP calculation: The charge is included in the tuition refund plan fee calculation when set to use a percent-based calculation.

    • A required fee: A fee that is always included in a balance for a school year.

  3. Base the fee amount on either:

    • A single amount:
      A static amount of an incurred charge.

    • Per Classification :
      Each classification pays the same or a different amount for the fee.

  4. Determine how the charge posts to the general ledger:

    • All upfront when the student is charged:
      When the charge is created on the due date, it posts to the General ledger all upfront.

    • When the charge or portion of the charge is due:
      The charge date coincides with the due date in a payment plan. The payment plan will determine the amount and time due.

    • Each month on:
      The tuition balance is divided by the inputted months from the start month and day.

  5. Determine how the fee should be distributed in the general ledger:

    1. a single set of GL accounts for all students:

      1. The fee posts to a defined set of distributions for each student; select Add another dimension to define additional accounts, ensuring that the CR percentage between all distributions is 100%.

    2. a different set of GL accounts based on each student:

      1. The fee posts to different accounts that correspond to matched student criteria. For example, a Billing clerk could select International / Domestic, define a set of distributions for Domestic students, and then Add another set of criteria to define a different set of distributions for International students.

        Define student criteria that match all possible outcomes to avoid situations where a student may not match any of the defined criteria.

  6. Optional: Select Add another distribution. Ensure that the distributions total to 100%.
