Add Payment plans to billing year

Payment plans disperse balances across a series of scheduled installments. Use Payment plans to ease tuition and charge repayment.

Note: Payment plans must first be defined under Billing settings. Once defined, they are added to a Billing year.

Add a payment plan:

  1. Select Add payment plan

  2. Select a plan name. The available Plan names are created under Tables in Billing settings.

  3. Optional: Enter a description to refer to the Payment plan's scope and specifications.

  4. Select a Student Tuition Insurance option.

  5. Optional: Check whether students on this plan are subject to late fees.

  6. Enter in the number of payments a payer must make to fulfill the repayment obligation.

  7. Enter the Charge on date and Due date for each installment and the percentage of the total owed is due in each payment. By default, the Percent fields total to 100% and are adjusted based on the total number of payments.

    The Charge on date is the earliest an installment appears for payers, providing them time to make a payment before the Due date and to avoid the chance it becomes past due.

  8. Select the Included charges that comprise the Payment plan; these charges summed are divided amongst the number of payments to determine installment amounts.

  9. Select Save.

Once created, add payment plans to student profiles.