View Auto-Pay plans on hold

All Auto-Pay plans with a “Hold” status are listed on the Auto-Pay plans on hold page for Billing clerks to review and act on.

To get started, navigate to Blackbaud Billing management, select the Overview tab, and, under Needs attention, select # auto-pay plans on hold.


View an Auto-Pay on hold record

To view more about an Auto-Pay plan currently on hold, select an account listed along the left side of the page. The right side of the page updates with additional details about the hold, including the payer or Billing clerk who initially put the plan on hold, details about the next payment date, and more.

Select View Auto-Pay record to see more information about the record, including the payment schedule and other activity.


Mark an Auto-Pay plan hold record as reviewed

Payment plan hold records marked as reviewed are removed from the list.

To mark an Auto-Pay plan hold record as reviewed, select an account from the left side of the page, and then select Mark as reviewed.

Tip: Consider creating a Note to record that the review took place or an Action to plan to follow up with a payer.