Blackbaud Education Management Release Letter On The Go

New Features

In case you missed it, we recently launched a new way to consume our release letter, especially if you’re on the go or running low on time.

Derek Nichols

March 10, 2025

As we continue to add to our video library, our latest evolution are vertical style videos under the “Shorts” section of the BlackbaudSupport YouTube Channel.

For those who don’t know, YouTube Shorts, similar to other platforms like TikTok or Instagram, are intended to be more short-form style content that is perfectly suited to a PC or mobile devices. The video content is quick and to the point and, what we feel, perfectly compliments our existing longer form video guides. Even with our new Short Videos, we have no plans to abandon our longform content, instead believing that they can coexist together.

So, while we’ve already added a number of general how to videos, we’ve also been posting what is basically a speed run of our weekly What’s New release letters. Here’s the breakdown:

Release Letters in 60 Seconds…or Less

Yup, as you can likely surmise from the title, these short form videos highlight all the biggest additions or changes inside of the weekly release letter we publish. Intended to move quickly, the video gives you a visual look at the changes and if you want all of the details, you can still checkout the details right from the letter. Go ahead, have a look! I'll wait.

Where Can You Find Them?

The best place is right from the Shorts section of our BlackbaudSupport YouTube Channel, but I’m also excited to reveal that we’ve made it easier to find everything you need right from our Help Center.

We performed a slight cleanup to the main help center homepage, reconfiguring the panels to display the biggest things you need so you can quickly find them. Yes, that includes our new YouTube Shorts which you can see below.

We're hope you're enjoying these videos as much as we are making them. Whether you're on the go or settled in with your PC, you now have multiple ways to check out what's new with Blackbaud Education management. Thanks for reading and we'll talk to you next time.