Use the calendar

All personas may have access to "school generated" calendars.

Note: If a user has access to a calendar, but doesn't have access to an event category included in that calendar, then events from that category are excluded from the user's view of the calendar.

Users also have access to "persona generated" calendars.

Note: Platform managers use roles to limit who can access each calendar. Platform managers also determine when each calendar is active or inactive, how calendars should appear, and more. To configure calendars, see calendar. To manage events (which appear in calendars), see events.

For all faculty, "My" sections contains five persona generated calendars.

Tip: Faculty might also see calendars for admissions scheduling.

For all students, "My" sections contains five persona generated calendars.

For all parents, "My" sections contains four persona generated calendars.

For all friends and alums, "My" sections may contain persona generated calendars.

All personas can print and export calendars for use outside of the school's site.

Note: Some users (including parents) may see "duplicate" events in their calendars. These duplications are usually working as designed and are not errors (not "bugs").