Assessment Statuses

Students can see their assessments statuses on their class Assignments page.

Assessments display with the following statuses and possible actions: 

To Do: Student can currently take the assessment.

Upcoming: The Assigned date is in the future and/or the assessment has not been marked Ready to take yet. For more information on marking an assessment Ready to take, see Assessments Guide.

In Progress: The student started, but has not submitted the assessment or the teacher is allowing the student to retake the assessment. Student can select Resume.

Incomplete: The student exited the assessment without submitting and the teacher must select Allow Continue before the student can resume the assessment.

Overdue: The assessment was not submitted by the Due date.

Completed: The assessment has been submitted, but teacher has not committed the evaluation to the gradebook yet. Results may be visible by selecting the assessment title.

Graded: The assessment has been graded and the teacher's evaluation has been committed to gradebook. Results may be visible by selecting the assessment title.