Individual Gradebook Setup

Teachers should set up their gradebooks before they begin adding assignments to ensure students' cumulative grades are calculated correctly. Gradebook Managers may set up Gradebook defaults by school level, including Gradebook calculation (Year vs. Marking period), Calculation method, and the Number of decimal points to show. They may also restrict teachers from changing these settings. Even if defaults are set and restricted, teachers need to review their gradebook settings to complete the setup.

To set up your gradebook, navigate to your class and select Launch gradebook. Select Settings to access the Gradebook settings where you'll configure your Display options, Gradebook access, and Grade calculation. If your school uses Competency Based Education, this is also where you'll set up your Mastery calculation.

In addition to setting up the calculation, teachers can enable certain features to help customize the gradebook to meet their needs. Check out our documentation here when you're all set up and ready to work with assignment grades in a class gradebook.

Note: Teachers must have Group Page Access to access sections.