Student Assignment Center
The Assignment Center is a central location for students to view and submit their assessments, assignments, and discussions for all of their courses. Assignments are a critical function for schools and allow your teachers to track your learning and comprehension of course material through various types of work.
Students access the Assignment Center by selecting My Day, then Assignment Center.
Use the icons in the upper right to choose between list or calendar view.
Calendar view
In calendar view, can choose to display assignments for the Month, Week, or Day using the dropdown in the upper right. Use the arrows above the calendar to navigate to past or future dates. To open an assignment, select the assignment title.
Students can customize the color assigned to each of their classes. Additionally, assignment tile backgrounds display as blue, green, or red based on the assignment status.
If a student has any missing assignments for the current term, they can select Missing assignments to open a list of missing assignments with their due dates and class information.
List view
In list view, assignments are grouped by due date. An assignment will only display in one group. For example, an assignment that is due today displays under Due today. It does not display under Due this week. You can expand or collapse a group by clicking in the group header row.
When Assignment view is set to Active assignments:
Missing or overdue: Assignments for the current term that are marked as Missing remain in this group until your teacher removes the Missing indicator.
Due today
Due tomorrow
Due this week
Due next week
Due after next week
To view older assignments in list view, set Assignment view to Past assignments:
Missing or overdue: Missing or overdue assignments from past terms display in their appropriate due date bucket.
Due this week
Due last week
Due before last week
Class colors and assignment information
Students can further customize their Assignment Center by choosing a color for each class and selecting the details that display for assignments.
You can further customize your Assignment Center by selecting a color for each class
Select More > Edit view settings.
Select the color box to open the color picker for a class.
Point to a color in the picker, enter a Hex value, or enter the RGBA values for the color you want to use.
Select Apply.
Repeat for remaining classes and select Save once finished.
Tip: The class color displays on the left side of the assignment in the calendar and list views. In the calendar view, the assignment status determines the background color of the assignment tile.
Select More > Edit view settings.
Select the information to display:
Assignment format (Assignment, Assessment, or Discussion)
Assignment type
Class name
Max points
Select Save when finished.
To determine which assignments display in your Assignment Center, use the filters on the left. If you do not see any filters, select Show filters. You can choose the classes to include, as well as filter the included assignments by Status and Marked as selections. For example, you may want to exclude Completed and Graded assignments so you can quickly identify assignments you still need to complete. In list view, you can also choose between Active assignments or Past assignments.
Under Additional filters, selecting Only display Major assignments limits the visible assignments to only those associated with an Assignment type that is marked Major.
From the Assignment Center, you can add tasks to help you keep track of your progress on larger assignments or other school related items you need to complete. For example, you may have a paper due at the end of the term. You can add tasks for creating your outline and completing your first draft to keep you on schedule for submitting your final paper by the due date. Tasks you create here are only visible to you.
There are 3 types of tasks:
General task: Not associated with a class or an assignment. Displays on the task due date in the Assignment Center.
Class task: Associated with a class, but is not tied to a specific assignment. Displays on the task due date in the Assignment Center.
Associated task: Linked to a specific assignment. Displays as its own entry in the Assignment Center on the task due date.
From the Assignment Center, select Add task.
Enter a name for the task.
Choose the Class the task is associated with or select General task (no class) if the task is not related to a specific class.
If you've selected a Class, you can use Associate with existing assignment to tie the task to a specific assignment in that class.
Set the Due date, Due time, and Status for the task.
Select Save.
Select the task name or task status.
Update the status or other task information as needed.
Select Save.
You can select an assignment title to open the Student Assignment Details page, which will include any links or downloads provided by your teacher, as well as the assignment description. Additionally, if the assignment is set up to allow online submissions, you can attach your files and select Submit assignment to turn in your assignment. Once submitted, your assignment status updates to Completed.
For more information on submitting assignments, see Student Assignment Details.
Tip: If you cannot select the name of an assessment, the
When you open an assessment, the Introduction displays. If there is a time limit for completing the assessment, it displays in the introduction details. Time begins when you select Begin test to start the assessment.
Once you submit your answers, you land on a submission confirmation page or your Results page, depending on the options your teacher has enabled.. The Results page may include correct answers and details on the points awarded or you may need to check back for your results after all students have submitted the assessment or after the teacher has finished grading any essay questions. Your teacher may also choose not to display the Results page at all.
Tip: If you lose internet connection, your system crashes, or you close the assessment without submitting, your assessment will display as Paused in the Assignment Center. Select the assessment name again to see if you have the option to Resume test. If you don't see an option to Resume test, you may see a message stating that You do not have access to take this assessment. Please contact your teacher and ask them to select Allow continue for your assessment. This will allow you to return to your assessment with all of your saved answers.
Teachers may use a graded discussions to facilitate a classroom discussion online. To access a graded discussion from the Assignment Center, select the discussion title. From here you will be able to select Add new response to add your response. Teachers can allow you to submit up to three files and you can embed links into your answer. Once you have submitted your response, you can interact with other student's posts and continue to respond to the discussion until the due date.
Statuses may include:
In progress
To do
In the calendar view, the assignment status determines the background color of the assignment tile:
An assignment status updates to Overdue once the due date has passed.
When you submit an assignment with an online file submission, the status automatically updates to Completed and you can no longer manually update the status.
When a
Select the status of an assignment to update it manually as you make progress and complete your work.
Note: You cannot manually update the status of an Assessment or Discussion. These statuses update automatically based on the state of the assignment.