Old Transcript Builder
Grading managers can use the Transcript Builder task to create transcripts.
Note: These instructions are for the old Transcript builder. For a more streamlined drag-and-drop process, try the Transcripts tab under Transcripts setup. For more information, see Transcript Builder.
To build a transcript:
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Choose Grades, then select Transcripts setup.
Select Transcript builder (old).

Select Add to create a new transcript. Enter the following information:
Name of the transcript. -
Allow Grading Manager to export to Word
If checked, the Grading Manager will be able to download and open transcripts in Word. -
Display school name for each school year
If checked, the school name will appear every year. -
Display transcript category abbreviation
If checked, the transcript category abbreviation will appear before the course name. -
School information
Check information about the school to display on the transcript. -
Grade levels
Select the grade levels that will appear on the transcript. -
Student Rank
Check if grade rankings should be included, and choose the term and ranking to display. -
Standard will display the school years horizontally and column will display the years in columns. -
Introductory text
Text that displays at the top of every transcript. -
Attendance - if purchased
Select the group and attendance types that will display on the transcript. -
Activities - if purchased
Select the year that activities will appear for and who they should be published to. -
Athletics - if purchased:
Select the year that athletics will appear for and who they should be published to. -
Awards - if purchased
Select who awards are published to. -
Courses in progress
Check to display courses in progress and who they should be published to. -
Check to display compulsory. -
Choose to display credits and who they should be published to.Display credits for full year courses mid year, if selected, will display credits on transcripts generated for the current academic year even if the credits have not yet been awarded for a completed course.
In order for credits to display, ensure the following conditions are met:
The course awards credits for completion.
Students have a grade recorded for the course for the:
Term Grade Plan Grade, if Final grades are NOT recorded, OR,
Final Grade Plan Grade, if Final grades ARE recorded.
Tip: Grade Plan Grades to read more about Grade Plan Grades.
Credit accumulation
Choose to publish the credit accumulation, totals, and who they should be published to. -
Grade average
Choose the formula for the GPA and choose whether to display the year GPA, cumulative GPA, or both. -
Academic Performance
If published, choose the Academic Performance to display on the transcript. -
Tests (optional)
Check the test scores to display on the transcript. -
Closing text
Text that displays at the bottom of all transcripts. This is a good place to put a place for the registrar to sign.
Click Save.

While creating or editing a transcript, select School Years on the left side of the page.
Select Edit next to the school year to add the grade to.
Note: Only current and past school years will appear in School Years.
Select Add Column next to Recorded Grades to add a non-transfer grade.
Note: Standard layout supports 7 columns, and column layout supports 6 columns (3 columns per school year). For example: 2015 - 2016 would have 3 columns on the left and 2016 - 2017 would have 3 columns on the right. This equals a total of 6 columns, but 3 are allocated per school year. Of the 6 total columns, 1 column contains the Course and, if you have Display transcript category abbreviation enabled, then 1 column is also allocated to display the category abbreviation,
Select Add Column next to Transfer Grades to add a transfer grade.
Note: Be sure to check the Final box to display the Final grade.
Enter a label and select Save & Exit.
Select the grades to display for each of the grade plans (please note that in order to display credits, the grade chosen must be a term or final grade).
Check Publish to All and/or Publish to Grading Manager.
Click Save.
Repeat these steps to add additional columns and grades for other school years.
Note: Click here for information on how courses and grades are sorted on