School Year Setup

Setting up a school year involves taking the Grade Plan Groups , Grade Plans, and Grade Plan Grades you have already created and associating them with the established terms in your school year for the purpose of recording grades.

  • Grade Plan Groups are used to link courses with Grade Plans. There are two types of Grade Plan Groups: Standard or Assessment.

  • Grade Plans, which are added to Grade Plan Groups, are the periods when grades are recorded. They also determine whether the grades recorded for that period should contribute toward credit accumulation.

  • Grade Plan Grades, which are added to Grade Plans, are the grades actually being recorded by the teacher. Grade Plan Grades are associated with the Grade Categories , and therefore the Grade Translations , that have already been prepared. When a teacher goes to record a grade for a course, what they encounter (typing in a numeric grade vs. selecting a grade from a menu) is dependent on the configuration of the Grade Category and the corresponding Grade Translation table options. The Grade Plan Grades can be designated as either End of Term or (if enabled) Final, which will impact credit accommodation based on the grade recorded by the teacher and the specifications of the Grade Translation table.

To get started with School Year Setup:

  1. From the persona menu at the top left, select Academics as your product.

  2. Choose Grades and then select Grading setup.

  3. By default, you will arrive at the School year setup page.

Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.