Platform managers configure calendars.
Select Core.
Select Content.
Select Calendar.
Feeds & types

Platform managers select Yes to enable users to export calendars as iCals feeds for use in other applications (such as for websites or for the calendar app native to an individual's smartphone). Select No to disable this option.
Feeds only show the previous two months, and up to twelve months ahead, for a total of 14 months. When new events are added, the iCal feeds are also updated to include the new events; they are considered rolling feeds.
Note: Due to server caching, newly added and edited feeds may take up to an hour before they appear on the calendar. Users can select Refresh to manually refresh the feed. The feed indicates an "in process” status while the request is processing.
The "events cover page" indicates which event categories are based on iCal feeds. Users can filter events to only show iCal feeds or event categories.
Warning: Events from iCal feeds don't appear in search results.

These are based on event categories that you create which includes the School Athletics calendar.
Platform managers can add, edit and delete school these calendars.

These are based on an individual’s persona and will reflect the classes, teams, and groups to which that individual belongs. Parents will see their children’s classes, teams, and groups here as well.
Note: Persona generated calendars were formerly known as the “My” calendars.

For admissions managers and their staff at schools which use Enrollment management these calendars are based on an visits, interviews, and events created for Admissions Scheduling.
Create & setup
As a platform manager you'll create and configure calendars various calendars.
Tip: For calendars related to other functions, the setup options available will be limited compared to other calendars. The options available ensure the calendar will continue to meet the requirements of those related functions. For example, when the School Athletics calendar is automatically active, then it is automatically available to all personas and can't be limited to only specified personas. Additionally the School Athletics calendar can't be deleted, although many other school generated calendars can be deleted. For persona generated calendars, only the status (active or inactive) and color can be changed.

Platform managers can create school generated calendars.
Select Add calendar.
Enter a unique, descriptive name.
Select a color for events associated with the calendar. If you select to use a custom color, you'll also select whether the text font should be dark black or light white for readability.
Determine whether the calendar should be active or inactive. By default, new calendars are active.
Select which event categories should appear as options for filtering the calendar. You can also add new event categories.
Each event category indicates whether it is public or secure and indicates the roles that have access to that category.
For iCal Feed event categories, the date of the most recent refresh also appears. Due to server caching, newly added and edited feeds may take up to an hour before they appear on the calendar. Users can select Refresh to manually refresh the feed. The feed indicates an "in process” status while the request is processing.
Select Apply.
Select the roles of users who should have access to view the calendar.
To grant access to all users, choose the "all school" role. Find this role under "uncategorized."
Tip: To limit calendars by school level, campus location (for school with multiple campuses), or other groupings, we recommend you create a clone of the "friend" role for each desired grouping. Then add users to the appropriate role. Finally, create a new calendar or edit an existing one to use the new roles.
Select Apply.
Select Save.

Platform managers can determine the order of school generated calendars. Select Edit order. Then you can
Quickly sort them alphabetically by name in ascending or descending order.
Select Top to move a high priority calendar to the top of the order.
Drag and drop calendar names into a custom order.
Remember to select Save.

Platform managers can delete most school generated calendars. On the calendar row, select the Delete icon and confirm that you want to permanently remove it.

Platform managers can update the settings for each calendar. From the list of calendars, select Edit on the calendar row. Make your changes then Apply and Save them.
For some calendars, certain settings can't be changed.

Platform managers can determine whether calendars should appear to users.
For example, you may want to mark some calendars inactive during the summer, when a building is under construction, or when events are being configured. When you're ready to show events, mark the calendar active again.
From the list of calendars, select Active or Inactive on the calendar row.

Platform managers can create event categories. After you create event categories, you can
add events to the categories.
use select the categories as filters when you create or edit a calendar.
For instructions about how to create an event category or an event, see events.
Tip: You can also create event categories when you determine filters for new calendar or edit an existing calendar.
Schools can create events categories based off an existing iCal Feed. As you add a new category, enable the Use iCal URL and then type or paste the iCal URL into the text field. After you create an event category, you can't edit the Use iCal URL selection.
The "events cover page" indicates which event categories are based on iCal feeds. Users can filter events to only show iCal feeds or event categories.
Warning: Events from iCal feeds don't appear in search results. You can't add event directly to an iCal feed event category. Instead update the feed.
You can customize how calendars appear for view (including as a traditional grid or a vertical list with relevant details). Use a custom date range to specify a start and end date to limit the view to show all events within that time period
Tip: To limit calendars by school level, campus location (for school with multiple campuses), or other groupings, we recommend you create a clone of the "friend" role for each desired grouping. Then add users to the appropriate role. Finally, create a new calendar or edit an existing one to use the new roles.