Use the event content type to let users know what is going on at the school. You can show individual event categories on a page or use the calendar to aggregate multiple event categories in one location.
Links from this content type that are used in posts on social media will generate a small detail window which shows a short description, the page title, and a link back to the source post. For details, please refer to social media features & integration.

Select Core or School website.
Select Events.
Select Calendar events.
Select Add new category.
Enter a Description to name of the category. Be specific since this helps you to identify the content within this category in the future.
Select Use iCal URL to pull in events from an external calendar instead of adding them directly from your school website solution. For more information about iCal feeds, see calendar.
Select Show brief description to include a brief description for events. If this option is not selected any event created within this category will not have a brief description text box.
Select Show long description to include a long description for events. If this option is not selected, any event created within this category will not have a long description text box.
For Access, select whether events in this category are accessible to the public or private to only specific roles.
Upload a Website Event Icon. All events within the category will appears on the calendar with the icon on the School Website System site.

Select Core or School website.
Select Events.
Select Calendar events.
Select Add new next to the category to which you want to add an event.
For a Single event, enter the event begin date. You can also add the event begin time as well as the end date and time.
Time is 24-hours. An event entered at 2 will default to 2 AM, not 2 PM.
For a Recurring event, enter the event start and end time, choose the recurrence pattern, and the start date. Choose the number of times that the event will occur, or enter an end date. The event will appear in the calendar/event channel based on the options selected in this section.
Time is 24-hours. An event entered at 2 will default to 2 AM, not 2 PM.
Enter a Title which will appear as the event header.
For Details, enter a short description for the event. This field is limited to 5,000 characters. This appears with the event depending on the display options.
Enter a long Description. This appears on the event detail page.
Enter a Contact email address that users can contact if they have questions about the event.
Enter a Contact name that users can contact if they have questions about the event.
Select an Existing location from a list of buildings/rooms that are designated for use with events.
Or enter an Other location if it is not already in existing locations.
You can tie an event to an existing event Registration: form.
Select Save & exit.