Admissions checklists contain milestones that the candidate needs to complete during the school's admissions process. These are completely customizable by the school to represent events like completing an application form, making initial content with the school, finishing the interview process, making a decision, and more. Once created, schools can also add individual steps associated with that milestone that must be completed during the admissions process.
Admissions managers and staff use checklists to manage candidates' progress throughout the process. Check here for more details on how to add a checklist to a candidate.

From the persona menu, select Enrollment management followed by Admissions.
Select Admissions setup, Checklist, then select Add Checklist to get started. Additionally, you can select Copy next to an existing Checklist to make a duplicate version that you can edit. Read more about this below under the Managing Checklists section.
Add a Checklist name and set the Status to either Active or Inactive. Note that you can change this status at a later time if needed.
After selecting Save and Build, you can now start creating the checklist by adding milestones. Enter a Name and the Status Changes including:
No Change
Entering Milestone
Exiting Milestone
For each checklist milestone, you can Edit it to change the Name or Status. Select Add Step to start creating new checklist steps and associated notifications. To delete a Milestone, select the trash can icon.
Add additional Milestones as needed.
Use Edit Order to change the order of a milestone or step by dragging it to a new location. Moving a Milestone will bring all of the included steps with it.
These updates, edits, and changes are automatically saved, so you can select Back to Checklists to return to the main Checklist page once more.
Tip: Admissions managers can enable a candidate to resubmit an application before it is processed. Use this option when a family contacts you because they need to make changes or additions to the application. From the candidate’s Checklist, select Allow Resubmit. Previous signatures are removed. Candidates should then access their Checklist, find the Application step, and select Continue to edit the application and resubmit it with new signatures. After the application is processed, you can’t enable the resubmission option.

Admissions managers can also manage existing checklists through Edit and Copy. With Copy, you can make an exact duplicate of the checklist, which is great for testing things without impacting the other, potentially live version.
The other tool is Edit. As expected, edit allows you to modify or change existing features of the checklist including its settings and step details. You can add steps, milestones, as well as the current order of the checklist. There's a global setting that allows you to auto expand all step details if you want as well.
Adding or editing a step allows you to change settings such as if it is required, hide all steps until the previous step is completed or waived, add a due date, what type of step, and if a staff member needs to be assigned as well.
Notifications can also be set up from here, including ones that trigger to remind or follow up. Under Reminder notifications, create an email or Text/SMS notification that will be sent to individuals who may need a reminder regarding an upcoming due date or something similar. It can be set to inactive as well, if the notification is no longer needed. Follow up notifications are set up the same way and are primarily used for when a step has been completed.