Admissions managers can define the terminology that is used for school decisions (e.g. accepted, wait listed, denied) and for candidate responses (e.g. accept, decline). For each decision type, Admissions managers can enter a custom message that prospective families will see on the Decision page in the community. Managers can also associate a mail merge letter with each decision type.

From Enrollment management, select Admissions, Admissions setup, and choose Decision types.
Select Add decision type.
Enter the school decision such as Accepted, Declined, or whatever value you need. While this is a required text field, you can enter any value needed.
Choose the equivalent decision type.
Under Comment, use the available placeholders to create a custom message or write one yourself..
Choose the appropriate mail merge template.
With Display options, you can set when this message appears.
We recommend you select Display contract only when candidate has accepted. This ensures that the contract banner is displayed after the candidate accepts the school decision, rather than when the school decision is published. This enables families to better enjoy the acceptance experience, before they have to think about policies and payments that a contract requires.
If this decision is used when a school accepts a candidate, but the candidate might decline the invitation to attend, we recommend you select When a candidate declines, select a reason for declining and When a candidate declines, select chosen school. When a candidate declines, the answers are saved to the candidate's record with the decision.
Tip: Periodically, run a report based on these candidate decision fields and look for trends.
Lastly is Candidate decisions where you can add potential candidate responses. Some typical options include Accepted, Decline, Deferred, Waitlisted, etc. Add your own terms to the Candidate decision field, then choose the equivalent Candidate decision type value. Select Publish to make it live or select Delete to remove it.
Select Save to add it to the Decision types page.

From Enrollment management, use the People Finder, search for the candidate.
Select Checklist.
Under Decision, select + Add New.
Enter the school's Decision Date.
Choose the school's Decision.
Enter a Publish Date and time to publish the school's decision to the prospective family.
Enter an Expire Date if necessary.
Choose the Candidate Decision.
Note: These correspond to the school decision selected.
Enter the Candidate Decision Date.
Upload any applicable Attachments.
Enter any Comments and then select Save once you're done.
Note: When a decision is entered, the decision step in the checklist is also updated.

If needed, Candidate decisions can also be handled in bulk by completing checklist steps in bulk. From Enrollment management, Admissions, then Candidate List, administrators can select each candidate that needs to be updated. With multiple students selected, new buttons appear at the bottom of the page including a Bulk complete step(s) option.
Selecting this will open a new modal pop up that displays each selected candidate names, as well as a drop down list of options for Step and Status. A date can also be entered as a timestamp as to when the change was made. These can be done for each individual candidate, or a bulk option drop down at the top will change the status for everyone listed. If needed, select the trash can icon to remove the user from this list.
For our purposes here, set the Step to Decision and then select an appropriate Status. You can do this for all select students, or set them individually in this modal window as needed. When you're set, select Save to confirm your choices, or Cancel to back out as if nothing had happened.
For more information on the Candidate list, check our documentation here.

Although many students will complete the required checklist steps before your school makes a decision, you may occasionally make a decision when a few steps are incomplete. For example, you might accept a student who didn’t complete a visit that would normally be required. Admissions managers can edit checklists to make this situation easier to handle.
From Admissions Setup, select Checklists.
Edit the checklist.
Edit the decision step.
For Auto-Waive Prior Steps, select Yes. If previous milestones have checklist steps which are still “Awaiting,” Enrollment Management waives all prior steps when the decision is entered.

Admissions managers can also edit decisions.
From Admissions Setup, select Decision type to see the full list. Edit the school decision to open a new model will all options like the name of the School Decision, the comment that displays, Candidate decisions, and other settings. Select Save to keep the changes made.
If you need to alter the Candidate Decision text that dsplays to families, select Decision text from Admissions setup.