Academic Profile Performance Tab
Note: This help topic covers the new 360 User Profile, which is being released to schools in waves starting in late March 2023. It displays in Academics when you select a student or alumnus via a list or by searching for their name in the People finder. The new profile contains the same features and capabilities as the older Academic Profile, but arranged under new tab headings in a more accessible format.
The Performance tab displays a student's grade point averages,
To see information for a different academic year, make a selection from the dropdown menu near the top right of the profile.

Find the tile labeled Report cards and Transcripts for the term. Expand the Report cards or Transcripts heading, then select the name of a

Awards are used to show achievement on the transcript. Schools typically display academic and athletic awards such as "Literary Award" or "Student Athlete of the Year."
To add an award for a student:
Find the tile labeled Awards for the academic year.
Select + Add award.
Select the School year and the Session or Term.
Optional: Depending on your school's settings, you may see an option to search for a group. If you would like to associate the award with a group, use the search bar to find it. Use this option if you would like the Award to appear alongside a particular Group on the student's transcript (for example, a Literary Award could be associated with the student's section of English 101, or a Most Valuable Player award could be associated with the student's tennis team).
Select an Award.
Optional: Select the Date conferred. Either use the calendar picker or enter the date using the format MM/DD/YYYY. If you leave this field blank, the award will not have a conferred date.
Optional: Enter a Comment. This will display alongside the award on transcripts.
Select Save.
To edit or delete an award for a student, select the context menu beside it. For more information about setting up awards at your school, see Awards

The Test scores tile displays standardized test scores that can display on a student's
To add a test score for a student:
Find the tile labeled Test scores.
Select + Add test score.
Select a Test date. Either use the calendar picker or enter the date using the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Optional: Select or enter a test time.
Select a Test from the dropdown menu.
Select whether the test score will Print on report card and whether it will Print on transcript.
Enter the Overall score.
Optional: Add an Attachment. This is where you can upload an official score printout if needed.
Optional: Enter a Comment.
If this test includes Subtests, spaces to enter those scores will appear below. Enter those scores if applicable.
Select Save.
To edit or delete a test score for a student, select the context menu beside it. To see more details and subtest scores (if applicable), select a test score to expand the details. If a test score has attachments, select the title of an attachment to download it.
Test scores can be entered individually or in bulk. For more information about setting up test scores and adding them in bulk, see Test Scores .

Learning profiles are used to keep track of students' learning styles, disabilities, and other information that might be relevant to optimizing their learning environment. Learning Profile Managers are responsible for the setup and ongoing maintenance of Learning Profiles, while Learning Profile Staff have the ability to fill out learning profile forms for students.
If you are logged in as a user with the Learning Profile Manager or Learning Profile Staff role, you can add a learning profile for a student from the Learning profiles tile on the Performance tab.
Find the Learning profiles tile.
Select + Add learning profile.
Note: To copy a student's existing learning profile, select the context menu beside that learning profile and select Copy learning profile. This opens the Add learning profile modal with information from the existing learning profile already filled in. The following fields are not copied over: Start on date, End on date, and Publish selections (I.e., Ready or Not ready).
Select a Start on date by either using the calendar picker or entering a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. By default, today's date is entered.
Optional: Select an End on date.
Note: The learning profile is inactive as of the End on date.
Use the Learning profile menu to select a learning profile to fill out for the student.
If this is a learning profile that requires approval, choose from the options Ready for approval or Not ready for approval.
If this learning profile does not require approval, then choose whether it is Ready or Not ready to publish.
Complete the fields for the selected learning profile as needed.
Optional: To upload any supporting documentation for the learning profile, either browse to select a file or drag a file to the available space. Uploaded files are encrypted.
Note: You must be signed in as the user with access to learning profile files to see the file upload option. It is not available when impersonating.
Select Save.
All active, inactive, and pending learning profiles for the student will appear in the Learning profiles tile. If any files are uploaded to a learning profile, the Files column indicates the number of files. To review files attached to a learning profile, select the context menu next to the learning profile, then View files. Select a file to download it.
Note: Learning profile files are encrypted and are not accessible when impersonating.
Learning Profile Managers can edit and review learning profiles from the Learning Center by selecting Approve learning profiles. For more information, see Learning Center.
If a student has an active learning profile, a small icon with the letters "LP" will appear below their name in the profile header.

Note: You cannot edit a learning profile from the Performance tab when impersonating.
Locate the learning profile you want to edit.
Select the context menu next to the learning profile, then Edit.
Make the necessary changes.
Note: You cannot edit the Start on date or change the selected Learning profile.
When finished, select Save.

A student's grade averages display in the GPAs tile. For more information on how a GPA was calculated, select the calculation name to open the Grade average detail, which displays the calculation formula, included courses, and a breakdown of the data used in the calculation.
Grading Managers can select Export calculation to download a .CSV file that includes the data displayed in the Grade average detail.

School employees can access and edit different parts of a student profile depending on their assigned Roles and the school's settings. Roles can be modified and assigned to users in Core. For more information, see the help topic Roles list and tasks . For more information on access, security, permissions, roles, and task settings, visit the Security help landing page.
Users with the following roles can access the Performance tab:
Attendance Manager
Award Manager
Comments Manager
Conduct Manager
Grading Manager
Learning Profile Manager
Online Signup Manager
Schedule Manager
Diploma Manager
Billing Clerk
Some of the functionality on this tab is limited to certain roles. For example, only a Learning Profile Manager can add a Learning Profile for a student. Only an Award Manager can add an Award.