Learning Center

Learning profiles help your school keep track of student learning styles, unique needs and abilities, and other information relevant for optimizing learning environments. The Learning Center is the hub for all learning profile related tasks. From here, Learning Profile Managers and Staff can manage learning profiles that need attention, review learning profile analytics, send Official Notes, and more.

Learning Profile Managers are responsible for the setup and ongoing maintenance of learning profiles, while the Learning Profile Staff have the ability to fill out new learning profile forms for students. Additionally, learning profiles can be shared with teachers, parents, and students.

Once a Learning Profile Manager has set up the Learning profile form fields and created Learning profile forms, you can add a learning profile for a student via their Academic Profile or from the Learning Center.

Access to learning profiles is established in Learning profile forms. These forms can also be configured to require approval before a form is applied to students.

Tip: Learning profiles can be printed through Reports using the Learning Profiles category.