Grade Plan Grades
Grade plan grades are what you allow teachers to record during a Grade Plan period, whether they are comments or standard grades. If Grade Plans are like buckets, then Grade Plan Grades are like the contents of those buckets.
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.

From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Grades then choose Grading setup.
Select Grade plan grades.
Select the Add (+) button
Enter a Description
Tip: Name Grade Plan Grades based on the term and the intent of the grade. Examples include: Q1 Progress, Tri1 Report, Semester 1 Term Grade.
Set the Status to Active
Select Save & Close, or select Save and Add Another to repeat steps 1-5 and add an additional Grade Plan Grade.

Here are some important definitions to know during grading setup:
Grade Translations are grades (such as A, B, C, D, or F) and the criteria associated with them for use in GPA calculations.
Grade Categories determine how Grade Translations appear on report cards. They are linked to courses through Grade Plans. You should create a Grade Category for each Grade Translation table.
Grade Plans are the periods during an academic year when grades are recorded. They are time-sensitive buckets that teachers drop grades into. Grade plans are added to Grade Plan Groups.
Grade Plan Grades are what you allow teachers to record during a Grade Plan, whether they are comments or standard grades. If Grade Plans are buckets, then Grade Plan Grades are the contents of those buckets.
Grade Plan Groups are used to link courses with Grade Plans. There are two types of Grade Plan Groups: Standard or Assessment.
Grade Calculations use students' grades to generate Grade Point Averages, academic performance awards, and class rankings.
Transcript Categories determine how courses are grouped together on a transcript.