Create Grade Calculations & Rank
GPAs can be displayed on
Note: Each year, you must update your grade average calculations to include the new grade plans added for the school year.
To get started:
From the persona menu (upper left corner), select Academics.
Select Grades, then choose Grading setup.
Select Calculations.
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.

Under Academic performance, select + Add academic performance calculation.
Enter the following information:
Sort Order
Order in which the academic performance type will appear in drop-down menus. Smaller numbers will appear higher in menus. -
Category Description
Label for the academic performance (for example, Honor Roll) -
Number of Subcategories
Number of subcategories that exist within the academic performance category
Note: For example, if Honor Roll is broken out into 3 levels (High Honors, Honor Roll, and Honorable Mention), there are 3 subcategories.
Select Next.
Enter the following:
Subcategory Description
Label for the subcategory (for example, High Honors) -
Abbreviation (for example, HH) -
The subcategory with the lowest priority has the highest standards, so any student who falls into the subcategory with the lowest priority will no longer be eligible for subcategories with higher priorities
Select Add Subcategory to add more subcategories if needed.
Select Save & Exit.
Back under Academic performance, select the arrow icon next to the category you just created to reveal the subcategories.
For each subcategory, select the pencil icon to edit details. Fill out the following under General Information:
Choose a Grade Average formula from the drop-down.
Note: The first three options are hard-coded grade averages. The additional formulas are created by the grading manager.
Enter the Criteria for the academic performance.
The first option allows you to filter by one criterion, such as grade averages greater than or equal to a 3.9
The second option allows you to set a range, such as grade averages between a 3.5 and 3.8
Note: If you do not consider grade averages when determining academic performance, you can skip this step and move on to the next one.
Select Save.
If the academic performance has additional parameters, like if a student must have a grade average above a 3.70 with no grade lower than a B+ to make High Honors, select Grades in the left-hand column.
Select Edit next to the term for which academic performance is being generated.
Choose a Grade and enter its parameters.
Note: For example, the Grade might be Q1, and the parameter might be > B+ in the example above.
Select Save.
Select Save & Exit when you are finished making changes.

Under Academic performance, select the edit icon next to the calculation.
Make any necessary changes.
Select Save & Close.

Under Grade averages, select + Add grade average calculation.
Under 1. Formula, enter the following:
Name for the grade average formula -
Select whether the Grade Average Calculation is Active (available) or Inactive (unavailable). -
Choose the parameters for the grade average formula:-
In the first box, select how the grades will be included
In the second box, select what to multiply the grades by
In the last box, select what to divide the grades by
Note: If your school uses weighted grade averages, the Formula is where you apply weights. Options for including weight will appear in both the numerator and the denominator.
Round result using a decimal precision of
Enable if the GPA should round up, and specify how many decimal places the rounding should extend to. -
Include incomplete grades as 0 in calculation
Enable to include incomplete grades as a 0 in the grade average
Include grades entered as zeroes
Enable to include weights for weighted courses even if a student fails the classNote: This option will only be available if you selected an option that includes weights in the Formula.
Apply Univ. of California Rules
Enable to include the University of California grade settings -
Add GPA points to the result
Enable to include GPA points after the GPA is calculated or at the end of the academic year or at the end of the calculation. -
Add extra point value of
Enable to include extra points added to courses after the GPA is calculated for the year. -
Ignore Include in grade average designation
Enable to include grades that are not marked Include in grade averages in Manage Grades - Enter Grades by Student.Tip: Use the Include in grade average column or filter in the Report Card Grades List to review the designation on student grades.
Select Next to transition to 2. School & years.
Select + Add another year.
Included years
Edit the school year and term to include grades in the formula -
School levels
Choose which school levels (ex. Upper School, Middle School) are included in the formula -
Include transfer grades
Check to include transfer grades in the formula
Optional: Select +Add another year to include additional school years and school levels in the calculation
Select Next to transition to 3. Grade plans
Select the down arrow to expand the year, school, and term grade plans
Specify grade plans for Multi-term courses or Single term courses
Optional: Include term transfer grades
Select Next to transition to 4. Types
Select between Term GPA, Year to date GPA, and Cumulative GPA to determine which GPA calculations should be accounted for. If Cumulative GPA is selected, determine which grade levels should contribute to the overall calculation.
Note: For more information about setting up cumulative GPAs for transcripts, see Cumulative GPAs for Transcripts.
Select Next to transition to 5. Excluded courses
Start typing a course name and select it from the list to exclude it from the calculation. This is useful when accounting for homeroom and study hall sessions.
When you are finished, select Save & Close.

Under Grade averages, select the edit icon next to the calculation.
Make any necessary changes.
Select Save & Close.

Under Grade averages, select the edit icon next to the calculation.
Set the Status to Inactive.
Select Save & Close.
Note: You cannot delete a grade average calculation once it has been used.

Under Rank, select + Add rank calculation.
Enter a Name for the rank calculation.
Choose the Grade average calculation to use.
Choose a Value to use: Cumulative, Year to date, or Term.
To exclude withdrawn students from the calculation, select Exclude Past Students.
Select Save & Close.

Under Rank, select the edit icon next to the calculation.
Make any necessary changes.
Select Save & Close.

Here are some important definitions to know during grading setup:
Grade Translations are grades (such as A, B, C, D, or F) and the criteria associated with them for use in GPA calculations.
Grade Categories determine how Grade Translations appear on report cards. They are linked to courses through Grade Plans. You should create a Grade Category for each Grade Translation table.
Grade Plans are the periods during an academic year when grades are recorded. They are time-sensitive buckets that teachers drop grades into. Grade plans are added to Grade Plan Groups.
Grade Plan Grades are what you allow teachers to record during a Grade Plan, whether they are comments or standard grades. If Grade Plans are buckets, then Grade Plan Grades are the contents of those buckets.
Grade Plan Groups are used to link courses with Grade Plans. There are two types of Grade Plan Groups: Standard or Assessment.
Grade Calculations use students' grades to generate Grade Point Averages, academic performance awards, and class rankings.
Transcript Categories determine how courses are grouped together on a transcript.