Holds settings
In order to use Holds at your school, an administrator will need to create hold codes.
Each hold code will be associated with specific restrictions. For example, a student who is on a financial hold might be restricted from requesting courses or sending transcripts.
There are two ways to access Holds settings:
If you are an Academic Holds Manager: In Academics, select Communication, then Holds, then Holds settings.
If you are a Billing Holds Manager: In Billing management, select Communication, then Holds, then Holds settings.

Select + Add hold code.
Enter a Description, Who to contact, and Default reason for the hold code.
The second and third fields will be part of the alert that a user sees when they try to perform a restricted action. Scroll down to the Display heading to see a preview of the alert using the text you just entered.
Select which of the following Restrictions will apply:
Receiving report cards
Sending transcripts
Requesting courses
Viewing schedules
Accessing grades
Under Display, you will see a preview of the notification that will display when a user tries to access a page that is blocked by a hold. Select which of the following people will see the notification:
Student on hold
If you select this option, the student will not have access to the restricted page, and a notification will display explaining why.
If you deselect this option, the student will not have access to the restricted page, and no notification will display. -
If you select this option, a parent of the student will not have access to the restricted page, and a notification will display explaining why.
If you deselect this option, a parent of the student on hold will not have access to the restricted page, and no notification will display. -
If you select this option, a faculty member will see the same notification message as the student and their parents, except for the Who to contact portion of the message.
If you deselect this option, a faculty member will not see a notification on a student's profile.
Select Save.

Find the hold code you would like to modify from the Holds settings list. You can sort the list alphabetically by selecting the header on any column.
Select the triple-dot menu (...) next to the hold code, then one of the following options:
Edit hold code: This reopens the editing dialog box. Make your changes, then select Save.
Mark inactive (for active hold codes only): The hold code will continue to exist in your system, but it will no longer be available as an option when placing a hold on an account.
Mark active (for inactive hold codes only): This reactivates a hold code you have marked inactive. It will now appear as an option when placing a hold on an account.
Delete hold code: Removes the hold code from your system permanently. Select Yes to confirm your choice.
Note: The Delete hold code option will only appear on hold codes that have not been applied to any accounts. Once a hold code has been applied, it can only be marked inactive, not deleted.

A school can enable non-Holds managers to view a list of students who have a hold on their account. One example of a user who might need this view-only access would be an employee who prints bulk
Users with view-only Holds access will be able to see a list of students with a hold via the Communications menu in either Academics or Billing management, depending on the role you chose to clone. They will be able to use the Export, Filter, and Columns tools, but they will not be able to put student on hold or access the context menu tools (End Hold, Edit Hold, or Delete).
To enable view-only Holds access, you will need to create a clone role, enable Holds Management View, and apply it to one or more users. Follow these steps:
Go to Core.
Select Security, then Roles.
Select + Create role.
Enter a Role Name (for example, "Academic Holds Manager - View Only").
Select either Academic Holds Manager or Billing Holds Manager as the Base Role to model the new Role on. This will determine whether a user has access to the Holds list in Academics or Billing management.
Select Next. -
Under Navigation Tasks, select the box next to Holds Management and one of the following, depending on which Base Role you selected:
Holds Management View - Academics Communications
Holds Management View - Billing Communications
Select Next.
Select users as members for this new Role. Find their names using the Search In function, then select >> beside their names to add them to the list of Added Users.
Select Save & Exit when you are finished. The users you selected will now have view-only Holds access.
For more information, see Manage holds and Place a student on hold.