Manage holds
Administrators can use Holds to temporarily restrict access on certain students'
A user will need to have the role of an Academic Holds Manager or Billing Holds Manager in order to use Holds. Roles can be managed in Core by navigating to the Security menu and selecting Roles. For more information, see Roles list and tasks .
There are two ways to access Holds management:
If you are an Academic Holds Manager: In Academics, select Communication, then Holds.
If you are a Billing Holds Manager: In Billing management, select Communication, then Holds.
Note: The Holds feature has replaced the previously existing Manage Exclusions feature. No data will appear on this screen until your school has established its Holds settings and placed at least one user on hold. For more information, see Holds settings and Place a student on hold.

As a Holds Manager, you can remove a hold either by ending it or deleting it. The Manage holds tab displays the names of students with holds on their profiles, along with other information including Hold codes, Hold start dates, and Hold end dates. By default, the list displays all students who have active holds today. You can modify this view by selecting Filter.
To modify a Hold on a student's profile:
Find the student's name, using the Find in this list search bar if necessary.
Select the triple-dot menu icon (...) beside the student's name to reveal three options:
End hold: Here you can set an End date for the hold, either by entering a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or by using the calendar selector. The system will keep a record of the hold, but the student will no longer be on hold as of the end date. Select Save when you are finished.
Edit hold: Change the Reason and Start date as needed. Select Save when you are finished.
Delete: This removes the record of the hold completely. Select Delete a second time to confirm your choice.

To place a hold via the Manage holds tab, follow these steps:
Select Put someone on hold.
Start entering a student's name under Student, and select the name when you find it.
Select a Hold code from the dropdown menu. The restrictions associated with the Hold code will display in italics below.
(Optional) Enter a Reason for the Hold. You can give more specifics beyond the name of the Hold code in this section.
Under Dates, enter a start date for the Hold. Either enter the date in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select it using the calendar menu.
(Optional) Select the end date for the Hold.
(Optional) If the student has siblings enrolled at the school, you will see a heading labeled Siblings to hold along with the student. Select the names of the siblings you would like to place on hold, if any.
Select Save.
Note: There are six areas where you can place a student on hold: on the Academics Dashboard, on the Academics Manage holds list, on the Billing Management Manage holds list, on a student's Academic Profile, on a Core profile, or on an Enrollment management profile. For other ways to place a student on hold, see Place a student on hold.

By default, the Manage holds list displays all students who have an active Hold on their profile today. To modify the filters:
Select Filter.
Under Hold code, use + Select values to choose which Hold codes to include in the filtered view. Use Find in this list or the left and right arrows to find codes, then Select when you are finished.
Use the dropdown menu Include students with active holds to choose a date range.
Under Restricted from, use + Select values to choose which restrictions to view.
Under Grade level, use + Select values to choose which grade levels to view.
If your school has multiple levels (Upper School, Lower School, etc.), use School level to filter the list.
Select Apply filters.
Note: A list of current filters will appear above the column headings. You can remove a filter by selecting X beside it, or by opening the Filter menu again.

To change which columns display:
Select Columns.
Choose column headings from the list, using the search bar if necessary.
Select Apply changes.

To download a copy of the currently displayed Holds list, select Export. The list will download as a CSV spreadsheet file to your device according to your internet browser settings.

A school can enable non-Holds managers to view a list of students who have a hold on their account. One example of a user who might need this view-only access would be an employee who prints bulk
Users with view-only Holds access will be able to see a list of students with a hold via the Communications menu in either Academics or Billing management, depending on the role you chose to clone. They will be able to use the Export, Filter, and Columns tools, but they will not be able to put student on hold or access the context menu tools (End Hold, Edit Hold, or Delete).
To enable view-only Holds access, you will need to create a clone role, enable Holds Management View, and apply it to one or more users. Follow these steps:
Go to Core.
Select Security, then Roles.
Select Add to create a new Role.
Enter a Role Name (for example, "Academic Holds Manager - View Only").
Select either Academic Holds Manager or Billing Holds Manager as the Base Role to model the new Role on. This will determine whether a user has access to the Holds list in Academics or Billing management.
Select Next. -
Under Navigation Tasks, select the box next to Holds Management and one of the following, depending on which Base Role you selected:
Holds Management View - Academics Communications
Holds Management View - Billing Communications
Select Next.
Select users as members for this new Role. Find their names using the Search In function, then select >> beside their names to add them to the list of Added Users.
Select Save & Exit when you are finished. The users you selected will now have view-only Holds access.