Learning Profile Settings

Learning profile settings are used to manage form fields that can be pulled into learning profile forms. They reduce the chance of misspelling complex diagnoses and shorten the amount of time it takes to create a form.

Each learning profile setting consists of a category and subcategories. For example, you might create a category called "Adaptive equipment." Subcategories could include options like "Hearing aid," "Braille," and "Assistive listening devices."

When you go to create a Learning profile form, the category you created will be available on the second step, Learning Fields, by choosing an option from Apply Settings.

Note: You must be logged in as a user with the Learning Profile Manager role to access the following settings. For more information about setting up roles, see Roles list and tasks .

To create Learning profile settings:

  1. In Academics, select Learning center, then Learning profile form fields.

  2. Select Add in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Define the Category:

    • Sort order 
      Order that the item will appear in a list of categories.

    • Category description
      Name of the category (i.e. Accommodations).

    • Number of subcategories
      Number of items within the category (i.e. Extra time on tests, use of calculator, etc).

  4. Select Next.

  5. Enter Subcategories:

    • Sort Order
      Order the item will appear in a list of subcategories.

    • Description
      Name of the item.

    • Inactive
      Skip this field.

  6. Select Save & Exit.

You will now be able to use this category when creating a learning profile form. For more information, see Create Learning Profile Form .