Create Learning Profile Form
Learning profile forms are personalized forms for student development. At most schools, these replace the paper IEP (Individualized Education Program).
You must be logged in as a user with the Learning Profile Manager role to access the following settings.

In Academics, select Learning center.
Select Learning profile forms.
Select Add.
The form setup is divided into three sections:

On the General Information tab, fill in the following information:
Sort Order: Order that the form will appear in a drop down list of forms. Smaller numbers appear higher on the list.
Name: Name of the form (e.g., Individual Education Plan).
Approval Required: Select this if you want a manager to approve the form before it is posted live.
Inactive: Use only if you want to deactivate the form.
Display: Select the information to display on the student's profile.
Advisory Information: Select an advisory group to display its information on the student's profile.
Logo and Watermark: Choose one of the school's logos and/or watermarks to display on the student's profile.
Note: For information on uploading new logos and watermarks, see School Logo and Seals .
Opening Text: (Optional) This is generic text that appears at the top of every student's profile.
Closing Text: (Optional) This is generic text that appears at the bottom of every student's profile.
Select Save.

Note: You cannot edit this section until you have filled out the required fields on General Information and selected Save.
Sort Order: Order in which the field will appear on the profile. Smaller numbers will appear higher on the profile.
Form Field Type: Select the content option for the form. Click on the "i" icon to see what each field does. You can apply the settings in this step.
Blank Row: Adds a blank row to the form for spacing.
Checkbox: Staff can choose to select the option.
Drop-down Menu: Staff choose from a menu of options previously created in Learning profile settings, or select Add New.
Drop-down Multiple: Allow users to select multiple options from a menu. Users will need to use the Shift or Control key to select multiple items on the list.
Radio Buttons: Staff choose from a list of options previously created in Learning profile settings, or select Add New.
Section Header: Adds a header.
Text: Staff enter a brief text response.
Text Area: Choose this option for longer text responses.
Depending on the Form Field Type you choose, you may need to supply some of the following information:
Label: This is the label that displays on the learning form field.
Apply Settings: Select an existing category from the Learning profile settings and the field will use the subcategories for that setting. Alternatively, select Add New to create new settings.
Note: For more information, see Learning Profile Settings .
Add Additional Field: Select this to add more fields until your form is complete.
Select Save when you are finished.

Note: You cannot edit this section until you have filled out the required fields on General Information and selected Save.
On the Access tab, select the options you want to apply to the form:
Report: Shows a student's learning profile to users with the roles you choose.
Icon View: Places an icon next to the student's name in the roster channel on the class section page.
Select Save & Exit.

In Academics, select Learning center, then Learning profile forms.
Select Edit next to the form.
Make any necessary changes and select Save or Save & Exit.

Once your school has created learning profile forms and filled them out for students, you can generate lists and spreadsheets of students with learning profiles.
In Academics, go to Reporting and select Reports.
Open the Category menu and select Learning profiles.
Select Run beside one of the following report types:
Learning Profiles - By Author
Learning Profiles - By Student
Learning Profiles - By Type
Student Learning Profiles
The report generator will open in a new browser window. Set your parameters, then select Generate Report or choose one of the file export options.