Medical Information for School Forms
Tip: For a visual overview of Medical Forms, check out our video here.
The school nurse uses forms to collect and update information from parents of current and future students.
Note: Since medical information must remain HIPAA or FERPA compliant, only users with the school nurse role can create or edit medical forms. When a user impersonates the nurse, the impersonator can create and edit medical forms. However, the impersonator can't view a list of who received the forms or their responses on submitted forms. Additionally, medical forms do not appear in advanced lists.
As a user enters data into a medical form, the information is immediately encrypted for security purposes. When a parent makes a change to a student's medical information, the updates appear in the Nurse's Office for the nurse to review. The information is also immediately saved to the student's medical record.

From Academics, select Content and choose School forms.
Select + Add Form and choose Medical.
You'll determine who can complete the form, when they will complete it, and who will receive notifications. Make sure you check the left column for additional sections of details and fill in any required fields. For details, refer to Basic Settings for School Forms.
Select Save & Edit Form.
To group related items together, select + Add Section and enter a name. For example, you might want a section for "Profile Information" and a different section for "Medical History."
For information about the Confirmation section, refer to School Forms.
For information about the Payment section, refer to School Forms.
To rename a section, edit the Section Settings.
To add Elements or Blocks to a section, select the item you want to add and drag it to the desired location. Then edit the item.
For each field in a block, determine how the field should display and whether it should be required. If you don't want the field to be visible to users, select Hide.
To rename a block, edit the Block Settings.
To allow users to enter multiple items (such as when a student has multiple allergies) edit the Block Settings. Enter how many versions of the block to show by default. Then select Yes for Allow Add Another.
Note: For example, after a parent adds the first allergy, she can click + Add Another to enter more.
Preview the form to ensure it appears as you expect. The form will be published based on the General and other settings you previously set up.

Most fields that parents can edit on the student's medical record can be included on a medical school form. These include:
Medical History
Health Care Provider
Allergies (includes medications)
Conditions (includes medications)
You can also add blocks and elements that aren't specific to "medical," such as address or signature information. For details, refer to School Forms.
Tip: If the options that appear in dropdown menus for medical fields in a block need to be changed, the nurse can edit Medical Settings.
Note: Currently, when you associate medicine with a student, the dosage and other details are shared for all of that student's allergies and conditions. For example, a student might take 2 tablets of regular strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen 325mg) every 4-6 hours for headaches. If the student also takes regular strength Tylenol for muscular aches, then the dosage will also be 2 tablets, every 4-6 hours. If you change the dosage for one condition or allergy for the student, the other instances of the medication for that student are also updated. Other students, however, can still have different dosages of the medication.

The nurse can create many types of school forms, including non-medical forms.
As a nurse, you might also want to create forms that aren't specific to "medical." For example, you might want parents to acknowledge that they received and read your school's health care policies or that the student has permission to participate in a health fair.
For information about non-medical school forms, refer to School Forms.
Note: Since acknowledgment, permission, emergency contact, and profile update forms aren't directly related to a student's medical history or direct care, that information doesn't need to HIPAA or FERPA compliant. Thus, users without the nurse role can also create non-medical school forms.