Nurse's Office
The nurse uses the Nurse’s Office to quickly manage medical information for students.
If you have multiple security roles, access the Nurse’s Office from My Day. If your school configured another Blackbaud Education Management product as the default user view, My Day may not be visible when the nurse initially logs in. To find it, switch to Faculty and then choose My Day and Nurse's Office.
Note: To learn about setting up the Nurse's Office page, including how to add immunization requirements for admissions, see Get Started with Medical.

Enter a student’s name to view the student’s schedule and current location. From the results, select Go to Medical to access the student’s medical record. Refer to Student Medical Information.

Quickly access a student’s medical record to learn more recent changes made by the student’s parents or guardians.

Each time you provide a student with care, select + Add a visit, enter details about the medical care you provided, and then select Save & Close. When you enter a visit, a notification shows which class the student is missing.
Nurses can remove visits added in error.
Edit the visit.
Select Mark as invalid visit.
Save & Close.
The information is saved to the student’s medical page in Academics. To access the student’s medical record, select the student’s name.

Review which students visit the nurse's office most and which classes they miss. For some students, this may indicate that there is an underlying problem which needs attention. In some cases, the problem may be social or emotional, rather than just physical.

If a nurse, parent, or guardian needs an option that doesn't appear in a dropdown menu, the nurse can Add it. When a type of medical information is no longer relevant to any students, the nurse can mark it Inactive. If an option has never been used, the nurse can Delete it.
From the Nurse’s Office, click Medical Settings. The nurse configures options for:
Admissions immunization requirements
Athletic clearance requirements
History categories
Injuries are tied to students through Visits.
Note: Currently, when you associate medicine with a student, the dosage and other details are shared for all of that student's allergies and conditions. For example, a student might take 2 tablets of regular strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen 325mg) every 4-6 hours for headaches. If the student also takes regular strength Tylenol for muscular aches, then the dosage will also be 2 tablets, every 4-6 hours. If you change the dosage for one condition or allergy for the student, the other instances of the medication for that student are also updated. Other students, however, can still have different dosages of the medication.
Note types
Notes are internal, and can only be viewed by the nurse.
Reason for visits
Visit outcomes

The school nurse can create customized work lists of students and their medical data. These lists are dynamic, so they always show the most recent student data.
For example, you may want to view a list of students in a specific grade, sorted by name, who have a peanut allergy.
Under Administrative tasks, select Manage medical lists. For details, refer to Medical Work Lists.

If your school already stores medical information electronically or recently completed a large screening, the nurse may want to upload it in bulk to reduce data entry. Refer to Import Student Medical Data in Bulk.

It's possible to print multiple, or individual, student medical cards at once. You can print medical cards based on chosen:
Academic Courses
Grade Levels
Athletic Teams
Specific students
When you print medical cards for academic classes, athletic teams, or specific students, you can choose to print multiple sets at once. For example, you could print cards for all students in English I and Biology I classes, or athletic teams Cross Country and Lacrosse.
To print medical cards:
Select a filter
Type in a name of the class, team, or student
If you choose an entire grade level, select the grade level from the drop-down
Optional: Add a second class, team, or student to print additional medical cards for each selection
Optional: Select print one page per student to have each student's medical card occupy and entire page.
Click Print
Press CTRL + P on your keyboard
Note: There is not currently a way to edit what information displays on the Medical Contact Cards.
Please review the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which include details about how your school should handle medical information/patient privacy and educational records. Most schools are only required to comply with HIPAA if the school charges for medical treatment. If you don't charge for treatment, but you still have medical data about students, you may not be required to comply with HIPAA.
Tip: For instructions about how to create a nurse, ensure Find Me Now works, set up the Nurse’s Office for the first time, or enable medical for parents, refer to Get Started with Medical.