Modify Student Attendance
As an Attendance Manager, you can record or edit absences and tardies for students.
To access Student Attendance in Academics, go to Attendance and select Student attendance from Related links. To navigate to a different date, either use the left and right arrows beside the date or select Go to in order to open a calendar date picker.
Note: To modify attendance for a single class, or to view attendance by student, see Modify Section Attendance.

In Academics, go to Attendance and select Student attendance from Related links.
Select + Record Absence.
Enter the Dates for the absence.
Optional: Enter Times for the absence.
Select the Reason for the absence.
Note: For more information about absence reasons and setup, see Attendance Reasons.
Optional: Add a Comment. This will display in a column on the Student Attendance page.
Under Select Student, use the menus to find the student or students whose attendance you would like to enter. If you need to narrow your search further, use the name search field at the bottom.
In the student name list to the right, select individual student names or Select All to select all of the students whose names are visible in the list.
Select Save & Close.

Depending on your role and the record method set by your school, you may be able to modify the Reason and Comment for an absence listed on Student Attendance. You can also mark a student present who was previously marked absent.
If an administrator has selected the option Allow teachers to edit attendance entries during the day,
In Academics, go to Attendance in the main menu and select Student attendance.
Set the date you would like to see using the left and right arrows. The default view shows today's date, and you can return to this view by selecting Today.
Use the Reason, Group, and Level menus to filter the student records. The list updates automatically. You can also sort by selecting any column header. Select a header again to toggle between ascending and descending order.
Find the student record you would like to modify. Select the area under the Reason or Comment column header to modify its contents. The Reason field saves as soon as you select a reason from the menu; the Comment field saves when you click anywhere outside of it.
Note: If you would like to mark a student present who was previously marked absent, change the Reason to Attended Class.
Attendance managers can also modify attendance records via the Class attendance list.

An Attendance Manager can pre-record an absence, tardy, or other attendance record via Student attendance.
In Academics, go to Attendance and select Student attendance from Related links.
Select + Record Absence.
Under Dates, select the future dates for which you would like to enter attendance. Enter the information following the same procedures as above (see the heading "Record an absence").
Select Save & Close when you are finished.
Attendance Managers can see pre-recorded attendance by navigating to the future date using the right arrow beside today's date. Select the Reason or Comment beside a student's attendance record to modify it.

In Academics, go to Attendance and select Student attendance from Related links.
Select Reports to open a menu of reports to generate.
You can download the following attendance reports as PDFs, Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets:
Pre-Excused Absences by Student: Shows all pre-excused absences by student for a set time period and school level.
Absence History by Date: Shows all absences by student for a specified group type.
Selecting any report type will open a new browser tab. Fill out all of the fields, then select one of the following options:
Generate Report: Creates the report in a preview window on the same page, which you can then print or download as a PDF.
View/Print PDF
View/Print Word
Export Data to Excel: Generates a CSV file that you can open and edit using Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software.
Note: Your files will download in the usual download folder for your internet browser.