Cumulative GPAs for Transcripts
Cumulative Grade Average Calculations can be used to show students' grade averages at the end of terms or academic years. The most common application for this calculation is displaying year-end GPAs on transcripts.
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.

You will need to make sure your school has a grade average calculation set up to calculate Cumulative GPA.
In Academics, go to Grades, then select Grading setup.
Select the Calculations tab.
Either select + Add grade average calculation or select the pencil icon to edit an existing calculation.
On the tab labeled 4. Types, make sure Cumulative GPA is selected and you have entered the grade levels to include in the calculation.
Select Save & Close.
Note: For more information on calculation setup, see Create Grade Calculations & Rank.

A transcript can display a student's current cumulative grade average as well as cumulative grade averages from the end of previous academic years.
In Academics, go to Grades and select Transcripts setup.
Either edit an existing transcript by selecting the triple-dot icon and Edit template, or select + Build a new transcript.
Follow the usual steps for setting up a transcript. For more information on this process, see Transcript Builder.
On the page 2. Design form, select Edit section on the Details area. (If you are creating a new template, the Details area is the rectangle that appears beneath the header.)
Under Format school year, select a format that includes at least one GPA calculation.
Under GPA 1 calculation, select a grade average calculation that is set up to include the Cumulative GPA type.
Under GPA 1 type, select Cumulative. Enter a label and decimal precision.
Note: If you have chosen a school year format that includes a GPA 2, you can also choose to set it as a cumulative average. Either GPA 1 or GPA 2 will work.
Select Save.
Select Save on the Transcript Builder, then Preview.
Find a student who is a member of the graduating class you would like to see. Select Preview.
For each academic year you have selected, the transcript will now display a student's cumulative GPA as of the end of that school year. For example, a graduating senior's transcript could display a student's grade average from the end of their 12th, 11th, 10th, and 9th grade years.
Select End preview.
Select Save and Close when you are satisfied with the template's setup.