Recent activity
Recent activity shows a feed of content that has been added/edited within the past 360 days, based on the content’s publish date (events are the exception to this rule; events display on the day they are occurring to serve as reminders). Content from the public website and/or from a constituent's groups can appear in recent activity. Constituents can only view content to which they have access, based on the content category security and group page access. Constituents can access the recent activity from the News menu.
Tip: To showcase or highlight special content, consider making it featured content instead. Content will only appear in one of these locations at any time.
These content types can appear as recent activity.
Platform managers can determine which content appears in recent activity. Schools may want to limit the amount of content that appears in Recent Activity so that only the most important information displays.
Select Core.
Select Settings.
Select News settings.
Select Recent activity.
Select Yesor No for "I would like the name of the person who originally posted the content to appear in the activity stream, even if the content is updated."
If "No," the name of the person who made the most recent edit to the content appears.
For each of the content types, select Add more.
Select the content categories and groups that should appear in the Activity stream.
Group types (academics, community, etc.) will not appear unless content exists in the groups.
Select Apply.
Note: The date when content is published also affects whether content appears in recent activity. If you recently changed access for a content type or category (such as news), the updates will appear after the cache is refreshed.