Analysis (Dashboards & Insights from SKY Reporting)
To maximize your school's mission and to better inform your next steps, you'll want to have your finger on the pulse of your organization's data. With SKY Reporting, you can — at a glance — assess your school's overall performance and effectiveness via customizable graphs and charts.
You must be logged in using a Blackbaud ID.
You'll need one or more security roles for Education and Analysis. A platform manager and organization admin can enable these for users. From Core, select Go to Education Area, then Control panel, Security, Roles.
Remember to link roles and users to their Core counterparts. This prevents duplicate users and ensures the users can navigate between Core and the Education area. From Core, select Go to Education Area, Control panel, Security, Users. Find the user. On the user's row, select the ellipsis (...) and choose Manage roles. Use the Security groups tile to link them.
You may need the Sky Reporting role. It determines whether a user can access work lists by "drilling in" to insight data on a dashboard. Assign this role to users who should see the data "behind" your dashboards, including identifying information about candidates or students.
A platform manager can enable this in Core, Security, Roles or from the Access tab of your User Profile in Core. This is also known as the "Sky reporting legacy role" and is also accessible from Core, select Go to Education Area, then Control panel, Security, Roles.
To limit "drill in" access and what users can do from those worklists, clone the SKY Reporting role in Core and remove the unwanted tasks. Consider assigning the cloned role to users who should only view dashboards and but who don't normally login to Education Management through myschoolapp.
From the Education area, select Analysis (it's in the menu in the top left corner).
Select Analysis.
View existing information or start from scratch:
Select Dashboards to view pre-configured information or to view information that other people have created and shared with you.
Use filters to customize the which data appears in the reports.
You can also select a statistic to "drill in" to see more details about the data. The details appear as a filterable list.
A time stamp shows when the information on a dashboard was last updated. Any data changes made after that time will appear after the next periodic refresh occurs.
Select Dashboard builder to create a customized view of information, which you can then share with others at your school.
You'll use metrics, known as insights to create the dashboards. Use out-of-the-box insights or create your own facts in context of various characteristics — or attributes — to best meet your specialized needs, dig deeper into analysis, and drive action.
Finally, you determine how to display the data using chart types such as tables, bar and column charts, or tree maps and narrow the focus of specific facts by applying filters.
Tip: Legacy reports (which are not SKY Reporting) are still available under Reporting, Reports in Blackbaud Education Management capabilities. You'll also find lists (which follow SKY UX) under Reporting, Manage Lists.