Report Card Grading Rollover

Grading managers and platform managers can roll over grade plans and formulas, report cards, academic performances, and grade averages . Grading rollover may only be run once per school level.

Warning: In order to rollover grade plan Grade Plans are periods during an academic year when grades are recorded. They are like time-sensitive buckets that teachers drop grades into. Grade plans are added to Grade Plan Groups. formulas that use gradebook grades, the gradebook rollover must be completed first and marking periods must be rolled over. Marking period dates can be adjusted after they are rolled over.

After the rollover, these items will need to be updated and grades for the upcoming school year selected to display. The school levels and applications are rolled over separately.

Note: The Grading Rollover can not be performed once grade plans have been added for the To year. Delete grade plans (if grades have not yet been recorded), then run rollover.

  1. To do this, select Core, System tools, and then Master rollover.

  2. Choose the year From which you are copying the data, and then choose the year To which you are adding the data.

  3. Select View.

  4. Under Master Rollover, find the Grading subheading and select Run next to the appropriate school level.

  5. Select Grading.

  6. Select Next. Then review the items included in the rollover.

  7. Select Save & exit.