Add Deposits
When you add a deposit, you can also add an unlimited number of payments for it.
From the list of deposits, select Add.
Select the subledger for the deposit, Cash receipt or Receivables.
Enter general information about the deposit, such as the bank account, deposit ID, and the description.
Post date - You must enter the same post date for the deposit and all of its payments.
Post status - The post status for a deposit controls the post status for its payments. For example, the post status you select for the deposit defaults to its payments. When you post the deposit, the post status also updates for payments.
Projected amount and Projected number of transactions - Enter the total amount and number of transactions you expect to receive for the deposit.
Use Attachments to add files or links to the deposit. You can drag a file or browse to it. You can also link to an online file in a cloud storage account. For more information, see Attachments.
Save the deposit.
For details about adding cash receipt payments for the deposit, see Add Payments.
Warning: In a future release, we will offer full support for receivables payments in web view.
Tip: You post the payments for a deposit, but not the deposit itself. After you include all payments for the deposit, go to General ledger, Post subledgers to post the payments. After all payments in the deposit post, the deposit's post status updates to Posted. For more information, see Post payments for a deposit.