Add Payments
There are several ways to add payments for a deposit.
Tip: Payments are called cash receipts in the database view.
When you view the list of deposits, select Add payment from a deposit row's menu. For more information, see Deposits.
When you view a deposit record, select Add on the Payments tile. For more information, see Deposit Records.
When you add a deposit, select Save and add payment. For more information, see Add Deposits.
From a deposit record page, select Add on the Payments tile.
For information about adding a payment from a new deposit, see Add Deposits.
Enter general information about the payment, such as the date, amount, and description.
Payer - Enter the client responsible for the payment.
Category - Select the source of the payment, such as advertising fees or bake sale.
Payment method - After you select a payment method, additional fields display based on your selection. For example, if you select "Credit Card," enter the card type, number, and expiration date.
Note: General ledger displays the post status and date for the deposit. You can't change this information.
Enter distributions to determine the amounts to allocate to accounts and projects for the payment. You can specify credit accounts, classifications using grants or transaction codes, and custom fields for reporting purposes. You can also select to distribute the information evenly or by percent. For more information, see Distributions.
Tip: To save time entering distributions, select More, Apply account distribution set. Distribution sets default the information you need in the line instead of selecting data in each column. If you split the distribution, select the icon in the Split column and then select More, Apply project distribution set to also save time entering splits.
In the Interfund entry set field, select a set to balance the accounts if the debit and credit accounts aren't in the same fund.
Under Receipt, select the print status and enter the information to print on the receipt. For example, you can enter "Sent a copy of receipt to your employer for matching gift."
To add Custom fields for the payment, select Add custom field. Use custom fields to add additional information and to further filter payments when you search. For more information, see Custom Fields.
Under Note, you can track additional information about the payment for internal purposes at your organization. For example, you can add a note to provide instructions for later, such as "Constituent requests two copies of receipt."
Tip: You can include one note per payment.
To save the payment and add another one for the same deposit, select Save and add payment. To save the payment and add a new deposit for it, select Save and add deposit. For more information, see Add Deposits.
To save time adding multiple payments for a deposit, copy an existing payment.
When you add a payment for a deposit with at least one payment, the last three payments for that deposit appear on the right. If the payment you want to copy doesn't appear, you can search for it. When you find the payment, select it to copy the date, amount, description, category, payment method, and distributions for the new payment. You can edit the information as needed and you can also include more information such as attachments and custom fields.
After you include all payments for the deposit, you can post payments to the general ledger.
Go to General ledger, Post subledgers.
Under Post subledgers, select Post.
Select the Cash receipts subledger.
For more information, see Post Subledgers.