In General ledger, Budgets, advance your budget experience by developing, copying, forecasting, and monitoring multiple budgets over current, past, and future fiscal years or period ranges.
The list of budgets stores all the information you need to track and manage a budget. This includes the budget type, status, and any associated scenarios, projects, and grants.
Note: To minimize the data you view in the list, select Filter on the action bar. For more information, see Budget Filters.
To view a budget's scenario, select View from the row's menu. The scenario details appear. For more information, see Scenarios.
Tip: To quickly add and edit budget data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and view it in Financial Edge NXT, download the Budget Creator add-in from Microsoft's Office Store. This enables bulk data entry and saves time, especially when entering similar data. For more information, see Budget Creator Excel Add-In.
Security in the web view leverages existing security settings from your database view. The following information applies when you view, add, and edit budgets. It also applies when you copy a scenario or merge multiple scenarios.
Accounts — Accounts are required for budgets. Therefore, account data appears when you do not have permission to view accounts.
If you can view accounts, but do not have rights to view a specific account (using advanced security in the database view), a row for the applicable account does not appear.
Projects — If you do not have permission to view projects, the Projects column does not appear and you cannot filter or group data by projects.
If you can view projects, but do not have rights to view a specific project (using advanced security in the database view), the applicable project row appears with asterisks (*) to mask the data.
Grants — If you do not have permission to view grants, a row for the applicable grant does not appear. However, if the grant is a transaction code in the database view, the row appears.
You must have security permissions to delete a budget's scenario.
Tip: As you work with budgets, you may find the Budget Creator for Financial Edge NXT add-in to be helpful. This add-in is an application built by Blackbaud and is available in Microsoft's Office Store. You can use this to enter budget data in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and submit the data into Financial Edge NXT. For more details, see Budget Creator Excel Add-In.