Format MICR Settings
You define default MICR line settings for checks. The MICR line is required by your bank and is used to identify blank paper checks and transfer funds. To make sure you format the line correctly, work with your bank to follow rules set by the American Bankers Association.
Note: The MICR line and ABA number you format is unique for each bank account.
To access the MICR settings, select MICR line when you format print check settings. For more details, see Format Check Settings.
Under Auxiliary on-us field, Routing field, On-Us field, select options the check number, routing details, and the On-Us segment of the MICR line.
Note: When you select a field or character, an example displays under Value. This column is non-editable for all fields and characters, except User-defined which accepts more characters.
To verify your MICR line settings display correctly, select Test preview.
Select Save.