Bank Feeds History List
After you run the refresh process to download and clear transactions, a bank feeds history list generates for you to view all bank accounts in a refresh in a central location. To access the history, hover over above the list of bank accounts. Under the messages that appear, select Bank feeds history.
Note: To view the bank feed history list for an individual bank account, access the account record. Bank feed history displays recent bank feeds. To view the entire history for the account, select View all activity.
The feeds history displays bank account information such as the linked bank, the number of automatched transactions for an account, and status messages. You can quickly access the account record to reconcile, add an adjustment, and unlink or close the account.
Tip: The Automatched and Unmatched columns display the number of transactions that matched or unmatched for the account based on payment type, date, and amount. For more information about matching, see Bank Feed List.
The list displays the history from the last 90 days. As your list becomes larger, it's helpful to view the list based on your needs.
To only view accounts that share the same characteristics such as the bank or refresh date, select Filter. For more information, see Bank Feeds History Filters.
To locate accounts based on their bank, use Search.
The Status column in the list informs you whether or not the refresh for an account was successful.
Successful – Review the status message for the account to determine if the refresh was successful or if it didn't include transactions.
Unsuccessful – Review the status message for the account to determine why the refresh was unsuccessful. For example, the message may inform you it couldn't connect to the bank's website. If so, re-enter your bank's online credentials and refresh transactions again.