Payment Assistantâ„¢

To improve payment processing and delivery, Payment Assistant handles all of your vendor payments. Our goal is to replace your entire invoice payment process! For some customers, Payment Assistant can replace your entire process immediately. For others, there may still be a small number of payments that need to be processed separately, such as wire transfers and international payments. There is no extra cost associated with Payment Assistant, it is included with your subscription cost of Financial Edge NXT.

Note: Payment Assistantâ„¢ is currently in Limited Availability (LA). Are you interested in participating? Apply to join our LA group. During this time, we'll review and implement participant feedback to prepare for general availability.

Key assistance in getting started:

Tutorial: Get to know the big picture overview of using Payment Assistant in Financial Edge NXT with our Get Started with Payment Assistant tutorial.

We also recommend you review:

The first time you navigate to Payables, Payment Assistant, you'll review the Getting Started page. Once you complete the setup, you'll navigate directly to Payment runs.