Payment runs

A payment run is a group of invoices that are ready for review, approval, and payment. When you group them in a payment run, you are selecting which ones you are ready for Payment Assistant to withdraw the money from your bank account and pay the vendor.

Note: Payment Assistant™ is currently in Limited Availability (LA). Are you interested in participating? Apply to join our LA group. During this time, we'll review and implement participant feedback to prepare for general availability.

When a new payment run is created, users with the Approve payment runs task for the Payment Assistant role receive an email requesting review and approval. We also display an in-product notification for the approver when they log in to Financial Edge NXT.

When ready, approvers view all details of the payment run, including a summary and list of payments. They can approve in either of the following places:

  • From the Payment runs page, select the menu for the row and then select Approve.

  • From Payment run record page, select Approve.

After approval, Payment Assistant withdraws funds from your bank account to process payments, and marks invoices and bank drafts as paid. All payment run information flows seamlessly through bank drafts and reconciliation within Financial Edge NXT.