Dashboard Builder
Under Analysis, Dashboard builder, you find powerful reporting tools to look at your data. With Dashboard builder, you can design and manage insights and dashboards to dig into your data and help you make decisions.

To view and analyze multiple insights together, you can create a personalized dashboard. Under Dashboards, you can view dashboards created at your .
For more information, see Manage Dashboards.

With insights, you can analyze facts in context of various characteristics or attributes. Under Insights, you can view out-of-the box insights
You can use out-of-the box insights to build dashboards with analytical tools that matter to you.
With Insight designer, you can create and customize your own insights. To design an insight under Insights, select the plus sign
For more information, see Insights.
Once you build your dashboards, you can view them under Analysis, Dashboards. Users with rights to view dashboards can view both pre-configured and custom dashboards on this page. For more information, see Dashboards .