Create Custom Form Reports

Reports created for the Custom Forms area detail all responses provided for the forms specified in the report's configuration.

  1. Navigate to the Reporting > Ad Hoc and Data Feeds area.

  2. From the Ad Hoc tab, select the Create report button.

  3. From the Create Report screen, configure the report.

    1. Set the report area to Custom Forms.

    2. Provide a name for the report.

    3. Optional - Include a brief description.

    4. Optional - Choose an existing report to use as a template from the Start from template field.

    5. Specify the form to be used for reporting.

      Note: Only applications with submissions will appear in the report.

  4. Select Create Report to save the configuration.

  5. On the Manage Report page, drag and drop columns from the panel on the left to the space on the right to add them to the report.

    Note: Only columns and headers will display in Edit Mode. Data will appear in the Report View. For more information about the actions that can be taken in Edit Mode, see the Edit Reports resource.

  6. Save all changes.

Each row in this report represents a response to the custom form selected. An application may have multiple rows displayed if the form has many responses. This is in contrast to other reports where a single row represents a single application. Additionally, all dates and times in the report display in the time zone specified in the user's settings.

Tip: Any reports you create are saved in the system under My reports. To find these, filter the search results in the Ad Hoc table by My reports.