Managing Security Scenario 6

The following scenario will help you to better understand how to manage security and assign privileges for your site.

Scenario: As the Site Administrator, you would like to present your Junior Administrators with a home page when they log onto your site.

When you provide your Junior Administrators with various permissions, they do not automatically get access to your administrative home page. They will have the buttons and pages they need to do the job you have assigned to them, but they will be told that the administrative home page is not available. If you have sensitive charts and reports on the home page, you may prefer not to make this page available at all. However, if you would like to grant a group of Junior Administrators permission to view your administrative home page, you can do so. As an alternative, you can prepare a more limited home page and give your Junior Administrators access to that.

This section will discuss both approaches:

  • Giving an Admin Security Group Permission to View your Site Administrators Home Page

  • Giving an Admin Security Group Permission to View a Special Home Page

    • Preparing a Limited Home Page for Junior Administrators

    • Giving the Junior Administrators Access to the Limited Home Page

You can add the homepage viewing permission as another step when setting up permissions for the group initially. Or, you can always go back and give additional permissions to a group at a later time (or remove permissions at a later time).