Luminate Online Version 24 Release Notes

Tip: See also our Good Move App Changelog and Participant Center Changelog.

Email support for one-click unsubscribe

Release 24.2.1

Release 24.1.1

Release 24.0.1


Email support for one-click unsubscribe

July 17, 2024

Luminate Online bulk emails now fully comply with one-click unsubscribe requirements from all email providers, including Google Gmail. Powered by Blackbaud Communications Services (BBCS), all bulk emails now feature a "list-unsubscribe" header. This ensures that your Luminate Online emails remain compliant with any future enforcement of this requirement by email providers, safeguarding your email deliverability ratings. This update is already in effect, and no action is required on your part to meet the one-click unsubscribe requirement.


Version 24.2.1 Release notes

May 2024

The Luminate Online 24.2.1 release contains security updates, feature enhancements, and resolved issues.


Product Updates

Note: Link Manager is undergoing further enhancements to improve its functionality and will be released at a later date.

Good Move and Blueprint TeamRaiser Events

Good Move Blueprint updates in Notification Manager

If you use Blueprint TeamRaisers, you can now set your event communication strategy up for success by creating draft push notifications at the Blueprint level that you can copy down to all of your child TeamRaisers.

For example, if you have 20 child events based on a single Blueprint TeamRaiser, you can create one notification in your Blueprint that you can push as a draft to all 20 of your child events.

Tip: Blueprint notifications push down to child TeamRaisers in draft mode. You or your event managers can review the notification, choose a delivery method, and decide when to send the notification to participants.

For more information, see Blueprint TeamRaisers: Manage Good Move App Configuration and Push Notifications for Child Events.


Good Move Blueprint date and time lock

For Blueprint TeamRaiser events that use Good Move activity tracking, you can now lock date and time selections separately from the entire section.

When a Blueprint event locks the entire Activity Tracking section, but unlocks the date and time option, child events can edit the date and time, while other activity tracking settings remain locked.

For more information, see Blueprint TeamRaisers: Manage Good Move App Configuration and Push Notifications for Child Events.

Live Participant Report enhancements

In April, we released the TeamRaiser Live Participant Report. With this release, we've added the following enhancements.

Note: Currently, only administrators with the Design and Configure TeamRaiser and Register and Manage Participants permission levels can access the Live Participant Report.

Live Participant Page view

On the Live Participant Page view, the Top Donation information is now included. You'll see the top donor name and gift amount for the participant whose record page you are viewing, and a link that goes to the top donor's constituent record.

For more information, see TeamRaiser Live Participant Report.


Account Lockout Recovery

You can now unlock an administrator or user account in Constituent360.

After an excessive number of unsuccessful attempts at log in, an account is placed in a locked state for protection. Starting with this release, we now send an autoresponder email to the email address associated with the locked account, and we've added an Unlock Account option so you can manually unlock an account.

When an account is locked, the autoresponder email that is sent to the email address associated with the account states:

"Your account is locked due to an excessive number of failed login attempts. Please either try again later, contact the organization, or follow the "Forgot Password" steps to reset your password."

In Constituent360, a locked account record displays the following language:

"This account is locked due to excessive failed login attempts."

Locked accounts can be recovered in one of three ways:

  • Follow the Forgot Password option to reset password and access the account

  • Wait for a set time until the account is unlocked by the system

  • Unlock the account in Constituent360 using this new Unlock Account feature


Last Login Date

Administrators and constituents can now view the date and time of their last successful log in to their account. Viewing the last login date can help to clarify activity and allow for the catch of suspicious logins.

Administrators can see this date in the upper right of Luminate Online. Users can see this on their profile.


Resolved Issues

Issues were resolved in: API | Constituent360| Donations | Good Move | MultiLocale | Payments| System | TeamRaiser


Bug Description


The AddGift API call does not respect Honoree fields

Honoree/Tribute data is now created and captured in the donor_recognition_log when included in the AddGift API call.


Bug Description


In a Constituent profile, the Transaction Information fields can be set incorrectly after certain refunds or transaction type changes

After a change in a transaction, such as an update, refund, or deletion, Constituent Transaction Info fields are set correctly.


Bug Description


Unable to confirm National/Cross Event Company gifts

You can now confirm National Gifts by going to the Cross-Event Companies tab, then the National Companies tab, then on the Gifts page, select Confirm for the gift.


Donation form fields that are required to comply with California Assembly Bill 488 can be removed from the Transaction Summary data element

Certain fields in the Transaction Summary data element can no longer be removed to ensure compliance with California Assembly Bill 488. The required fields include billing name, address, and email. When trying to remove the fields from the element, a message explains that they are required.

Good Move

Bug Description


When participants receive the First Good Move App Announcement email autoresponder, the button to download the app does not appear when viewing the email from a mobile device

Participants who receive and view the First Good Move App Announcement email autoresponder on a mobile device now see the button to get to the app in the app store.


Bug Description


Offline gift autoresponders do not send in the preferred locale

Autoresponder emails for offline gifts are now sent in the language that is specified in the preferred locale setting.


Bug Description


Blackbaud Merchant Services ACH transactions that fail with "The customer's bank account could not be located" are not being reversed in Luminate Online in some or all situations.

When an ACH transaction is reversed in Blackbaud Merchant Services, the Luminate Online transaction is removed to keep the systems aligned.


Bug Description


The Group Summary is not updated when all members are removed

In 24.1, an update was made so that after removing all members of a group, the Group Summary now updates to reflect the correct number of members in the group. In this release, we've ensured the same behavior works after enhancements were made in query handling.


When performing a duplicate constituent record merge, a time out error occurs

Merging two duplicate constituent records into one record now saves successfully.


Bug Description


After managing Security Categories of a Regional Company, subsequent Regional Companies managed in the same session show the same Security Categories

When managing Regional Companies, the Security Categories for that specific regional company are the only Security Categories that display.


In Reports Classic, the TeamRaiser Participant Summary Report gives a blank screen when you select the "Show All Donors to Participants" and "Donor Information for Direct Donations" options

The Reports Classic report, TeamRaiser Participant Summary Report, now works as expected when the options are selected to Show All Donors to Participants and Include Donor Information for Direct Donations.


Recording offline gifts for National Companies does not increase the status indicator or company donations tally

When manually adding a gift to a National Company in Luminate Online, the gift is now reflected in the gift total and number of gifts.


Facebook gifts toward a donation form that is archived or inaccessible in Luminate Online are not recorded in Luminate Online

Luminate Online now captures and updates totals for Facebook gifts that are made to donation forms that are in an archived or inaccessible state in Luminate Online.

If you should want to prevent Facebook gifts from being captured for donation forms that are archived or inaccessible, set the new Site Option, FACEBOOK_IGNORE_FORM_PERMISSIONS, to FALSE.


The TeamRaiser Team Summary Report in Report Classic returns a blank screen when the option "Show all team members as well as team summary" is selected

The TeamRaiser Team Summary Report under Report Classic, TeamRaiser Report no longer returns a blank screen when the "Show all team members as well as team summary" option is selected.


The Live Participant Report page and Excel file don’t show all responses for questions with multiple choices and multiple responses

The Live Participant Report and Excel file now display all questions and responses.


After the 24.1.1 release, the S42 tag returned the value for the dollars parameter when an invalid parameter, such as fr_id instead of fr-id, was used

If an invalid parameter is used with the S42 S-Tag, the value is now returned as an empty string instead of the value of the dollars parameter.

Note: When using the S42 S-Tag to get the TeamRaiser ID, be sure to use the correct parameter of fr-id (not fr_id).


In some cases, the secondary registration count is set incorrectly causing lists and status indicators to be incorrect

Secondary registrations are now correctly counted for each constituent in lists and status indicators.


In an site with regional companies enabled, an error occurs when trying to associate a security category with a regional company

You can now successfully associate a security category with a regional company.


Issues are seen in the TeamRaiser Participant Summary Report and Company Gifts Report

Updates were made to resolve issues in the TeamRaiser Participant Summary Report and Company Gifts Report.


When a participant receives a Facebook gift, the gift is synced to Luminate Online under the donation campaign's security category which can be different than the TeamRaiser security category

Facebook gifts are now recorded and associated to the same security category that is set for their TeamRaiser event to match the non-Facebook donation behavior.


Facebook donations can sync in duplicate to TeamRaiser when gifts have the same Facebook donation ID

We've updated customer data to resolve a unique situation that caused duplicate TeamRaiser gift data. Each Facebook donation now has a unique donation ID.


Transaction reports don't always identify the donor-provided first and last name for a Facebook Fundraising gift

To match transaction data in constituent profiles, Transaction reports now display a Facebook donor's first and last name when that data is provided, instead of "Facebook Fundraiser."


In the Live Participant Report, the Fundraising Total column does not always match the total reported and confirmed amounts

The Fundraising Total column now matches the total confirmed and reported amounts in the TeamRaiser Live Participant Report.


In the Participant Record Page of the Live Participant Report, some issues related to team member tag, personal actual, and donor count fields exist

In the Participant Record Page of the Live Participant Report, the following updates were made:

  • The Team Member tag now only displays when the participant is a member of a team.

  • The Email button only appears when the participant has a registered email address.

  • Personal actual shows the sum of all gifts.

  • Donor count is the number of people that made gifts (excluding duplications).


The QR code to download Good Move does not display on Thank You pages on a desktop browser

When using a desktop browser view, the Thank You page now displays the QR code to download the Good Move app.


Facebook donors receive a "thank you" autoresponder email from Luminate Online, but they already get a "thank you" email from PayPal Giving Fund/Facebook

You can now choose to prevent the Luminate Online thank you autoresponder from sending to Facebook donors, since they will receive an email from PayPal Giving Fund/Facebook when a donation is made to a Facebook Fundraiser and they include their email address.

To prevent the Offline Gift Thank You autoresponder email from sending to Facebook donors:

  1. Go to Setup, Site Options.


  3. Set the value to FALSE, then Save.


In the Custom Questions tab of the Live Participant Report, there are duplicate questions and answers

The Custom Questions tab now shows all custom questions and answers with no duplicated records.


The Live Participant Report is displaying total amounts across all events instead of the one event being reported on

The Live Participant Report now shows totals for the selected TeamRaiser event instead of all events. If a participant is registered in multiple events, the report shows the participant's total for the selected event only.


Version 24.1.1 Release notes

March 2024t

The Luminate Online 24.1.1 release contains security updates, feature enhancements, and resolved issues. The updates are available to all customers without the need to contact Blackbaud to enable.

Product Updates


TeamRaiser Live Event Participant Report

Available now!

A new participant report provides statistics so you can see the progress of your TeamRaiser event participants in real time, including before, during, and after your event. The Live Event Participant Report provides a modern, configurable, actionable report view for your in-person event participants.

Note: Currently, only administrators with the Design and Configure TeamRaiser and Register and Manage Participants permission levels can access the Live Participant Report.

Select a participant name to open a full-page view of a participant from the live report. View fundraising details, and easily email or locate the phone number of the participant using quick links.


See Live Event Participant Report to learn more about this configurable, actionable report view for your in-person event participants and the Live Participant Records that are also available!


Good Move Admin Tools

Good Move Support for Blueprint TeamRaisers

You can now enable Good Move activity tracking at the Blueprint TeamRaiser level so that all child events automatically include this option. Changes made to the Good Move App Setup section at the Blueprint level push to all child events.

When you configure Good Move on a Blueprint, you can lock or unlock sections of the Good Move options so that they cannot be changed in the child events.

See Blueprint TeamRaisers: Manage Good Move App Configuration and Push Notifications for Child Events for more information.


Quick Start Activity Tracking with Rule Collections

Get a jump start on activity tracking rules by selecting a Rule Collection to auto-fill your event rules.

Rules define how participants earn activity points for your event. Rule Collections offer preset scoring rules to quickly get started. For example, you can choose a walking challenge where each mile is one point, or a distance challenge where each mile walked or run is one point, and every three miles biked is one point.

Rule Collections also include a Partial Credit and Individual Daily Point Limit for your event.

See Add Activity Tracking Rules for more information.


Brand thumbnail and header preview in the app

In the App Branding section of the Good Move App Setup, you can now view a static preview of where the Event Header and Thumbnail images will appear in the app. This allows administrators to understand where the uploaded images appear to users in the app.

Note: The example preview does not show the actual uploaded image.


Good Move Notification Manager enhancements

You can now copy notifications in the Good Move Notification Manager. When copied, the date and time are not included, but the teams originally targeted continue to be targeted in the copied version.

You can also now view all details of a notification that was sent in the past.

View details and copy notifications using the icons to the right of each notification.

Learn more at Good Move Notification Manager: Create and Manage Push Notifications.


Blackbaud Checkout Locale Support

Blackbaud Checkout now respects Multiple Locale settings in Luminate Online for the following locales:

  • en_US (English US)

  • en_AU (English Australia)

  • fr_CA (French Canada)

Previously, Blackbaud Checkout determined locales based on a payer’s browser settings. For more information, see Multiple Locale Support in Luminate Online Help.


TeamRaiser Integration with Facebook Fundraising

Following Meta's change to move from Blackbaud Merchant Services to Meta Pay, and Meta Pay to PayPal Giving Fund, we continue enhance the new integration.

Gifts made to a TeamRaiser-linked Facebook Fundraiser will now show the donation date as the day the gift was made, instead of the date of the data sync. This update will allow for easier reconciliation of reports between the systems.

Administrator Help Documentation Update

Luminate Online administrator help documentation now uses the standard Blackbaud documentation style and includes a feedback option on each page. Feedback is monitored and addressed monthly.

Please update bookmarks to use this new site.

Luminate Online administrator documentation

We will deprecate the previous administrator documentation later this year and use redirects to the link above.


Resolved Issues

Issues were resolved in: API | Constituent360 | Donations | Email | Good Move| Reports | System | TeamRaiser


Bug Description


The getGroupMembers API method returns only 1000 members and does not support pagination to retrieve the remaining constituents

The getGroupMembers API now supports pagination so that you can page through the list of constituent records to retrieve all group members.

The following parameters are now supported in getGroupMembers support pagination: list_page_size, list_page_offset, and list_record_offset.

See the getGroupMembers API documentation.


Bug Description


On a constituent record, the postal code/zip code, state and county fields are not deleted on the first attempt

In Constituent360, a constituent record is updated immediately after deleting postal/zip code, state, or country values and saving the update.


After searching for an organization with an ampersand (&) in the name, search results include unexpected organization names

In Constituent360, Organizations, searching for an organization with an ampersand (&) in the name now produces expected search results.


Bug Description


The Service Center tab is missing from a constituent's profile

When the Donor Gift Self-Service Center is enabled, the Service Center tab is now visible from a constituent profile.


Donations that have no Tribute or Honor information capture a sender email in the donor_recognition_log causing issues with integrations

Only donations that have an associated Tribute or Honor name will capture the sender email in the donor recognition log.


A custom constituent import can remove records that have active sustaining gifts which causes the payments to not be recorded in Luminate Online

During a custom constituent import, records that have active sustaining gifts are no longer removed so that payments are recorded.

2731217, 2741845

Blackbaud Checkout in Luminate Online defaults to the locale of US to show English instead of defaulting to use the site and donation form locale

Blackbaud Checkout now uses localization to respect the language of the default country for the site and donation form.


In rare situations, Blackbaud Checkout can create duplicate transactions in Luminate Online when there is only one transaction in the merchant account

Blackbaud Checkout only creates one transaction after processing the gift in the merchant account.


Bug Description


Bulk emails that have invalid content because they use the S47/E47 S-Tags don't log errors properly

Because the S47/E47 S-Tags are not allowed in email content, an update was made to handle errors that occur when a bulk email message contains unsupported S-Tags.


Database connections used by the BBCS Bounce Processor need to be modified for the future

Updates were made to ensure continuous, reliable email processing and delivery.


In rare cases, emails do not send and return the error, "The sending of this email encountered an issue. Please re-send your message"

Email Campaign messages send as expected.

Good Move

Bug Description


The URL to download Good Move is broken in the First Good Move App Announcement Email autoresponder

The First Good Move App Announcement Email autoresponder now has a working URL for the QR code:


When the Download Good Move component is on the Thank You page, custom content is erased 30 minutes after it is added

When the Download Good Move component is on the Thank You page, any added content or HTML continues to persist after saving.


Bug Description


When you run the Email Performance Report by Group Report and filter with a group created from Query, the report fails with an error

In Data Management, Reports, Report Writer, you can now successfully run the Email Performance Report by Group Report and filter with a group created from Query.


After the Luminate Online 23.5 release, the Total External Confirmed Gifts($) column in the Performance by Team report generated errors

Although this was immediately resolved for all sites following the Luminate Online 23.5 release, an update was made in this release to permanently resolve this issue so that the Total External Confirmed Gifts($) value in the Performance by Team report generates as expected.


Bug Description


Group Summary is not updated when all members are removed

After removing all members of a group, the Group Summary now updates to reflect the correct number of members in the group.


BBCRM LO Integration that uses the SRForceAPI mergeConstituents does not move survey data to the master constituent records resulting in errors in BBCRM integration

When the BBCRM-LO Connector merges two Luminate Online constituents using the mergeConstituents API, the USER_ID field on the SURVEY_LOG record in Luminate Online is updated to the new constituent ID.


Autoresponders that include an image are not tracked as opened unless a link is clicked in the autoresponder

Autoresponders are now tracked as opened when an email is opened and images load.


Links in autoresponder emails that use a prefix of "tel:" in the URL are identified as relative links and rewritten with the domain/path causing the link to break

When an autoresponder is edited to contain a link with a destination of "tel:1-513-XXX-XXXX", the link maintains the intended destination.


In MultiCenter, the Center Opt In recurring task can result in Oracle error, "ORA-01722: invalid number"

In MultiCenter, the Center Opt In recurring task completes without error.


Bug Description


TeamRaiser Participant Center settings that disable the option for participants to add links in the Rich Text Editor for Suggested Messages are not respected

When Rich Text Editor Available for Content is enabled for Suggested Messages, the setting to prevent participants from adding links or images into the Suggested Messages is once again respected.

When disabled, participants can no longer add images, web page links, or documents to Suggested Messages. You can find these settings when you edit a TeamRaiser, Identify TeamRaiser, Select Event Options, Related Actions, Edit Advanced Options, Define Misc Options, then clear these two options: Yes, allow participants to paste links from other web pages and Microsoft Word documents into the RTE content area and Yes, allow participants to drag and drop images from other web pages into the RTE content area.


After a TeamRaiser registration refund, the TeamRaiser Registration Full Refund autoresponder does not display data from the S120 S-Tag

When the TeamRaiser Registration Full Refund autoresponder is edited to include data pulled in via the S120 S-Tag, the expected values now display in emails sent after a full registration refund.


TeamRaiser ACH reversal/refunds are not properly removed after a system automated payment refund/delete

Refunds (reversals) for an ACH payment made on a donation form that is associated with a TeamRaiser event properly update TeamRaiser gift records to correctly reflect totals.


When merging constituents with active TeamRaiser registrations, the remaining constituent is not updated for Milestones they may meet due to the merge

When constituents with active TeamRaiser registrations are merged, the remaining constituent record's Milestones reflect combined accomplishments.


The National Company Team List page displays the Organization name instead of the Company name

The National Company Team List page now displays the Company name instead of the Organization name.


If a session is invalidated during transaction processing, duplicate TeamRaiser Gifts with the same Transaction ID are sometimes created

TeamRaiser gifts are no longer duplicated when a session is invalidated during processing.


Facebook gifts are not soft-credited to a participant, and the Transaction tab's Source column shows Blackbaud SAS Integration instead of the participant name. Attempting to soft-credit to the correct participant leads to an error

Facebook gifts are soft credited to the correct participant, and the participant's name displays in the Source column in the Transaction tab.


Facebook donors have an incorrect name in the participant address book that does not match the actual donor name

For Facebook donations, the donor name in the participant address book now matches the actual donor name.


Using the S42 S-Tag with invalid parameters causes system errors and returns a null (empty) response

The S42 S-Tag now returns a dollar amount when an invalid or unrecognized parameter is used.


Gifts made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser may not be correctly coded in Luminate Online reports, causing the creation method to show as "Offline," "Online," or "Sustaining" instead of "3"

Gifts that are collected from a Facebook Fundraiser donation now show as a value of "3" to distinguish the creation method in the Transaction Details Report and other reports that include this value.


When configuring a TeamRaiser, the word, 'null,' appears at the top of the Identify TeamRaiser step

The Identify TeamRaiser step of TeamRaiser configuration no longer has the word, "null," on the page.


In a TeamRaiser registration record, selecting Sort by Payment Type takes you to a Technical Difficulties page and if you select back, all gifts disappear

On a TeamRaiser registration record, you can once again sort a registration record by Payment Type.


Gifts made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser as well as other external donations are not capturing data for constituent milestones

Although this issue was temporarily resolved for all sites, this release includes a permanent update to ensure that all external donations count toward a constituent's Milestone progress.


In Participant Center, participants are able to create a second Facebook Fundraiser while the first Facebook Fundraiser is still active causing incorrect data syncs and totals

Participants are not able to have more than one active Facebook Fundraiser at a time. If a participant tries to create a second Facebook Fundraiser from the Participant Center, the following error displays in the Participant Center:

"You already have an active Facebook Fundraiser. End and delete your current Facebook Fundraiser to create a new one."

As a part of this update, the error code of 2767 was added to the TeamRaiser API error code reference documentation.


Gifts made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser do not trigger the "Someone Made a Donation on Your Behalf" autoresponder email for participants

Donations made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser now trigger the "Someone Made a Donation on Your Behalf" autoresponder email to the participant.


Gifts made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser do not show on National Company Events Lists

National Company event list pages now show totals of all donations, including gifts made to a Facebook Fundraiser that is integrated with TeamRaiser.


Extra TeamRaiser events are created when using the Blueprint upload of a CSV that has commas in columns

When using an uploaded CSV file to create TeamRaisers as Blueprint events, Luminate Online now handles commas in the DONATION_ASK_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE or EVENT_RECRUITMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE columns so that the same number of events that are in the CSV file are created and message templates match exactly.


Add donation_date parameter support in facebookDonate FBDOR

When using an uploaded CSV file to create TeamRaisers as Blueprint events, Luminate Online now handles commas in the DONATION_ASK_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE or EVENT_RECRUITMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE columns so that the same number of events that are in the CSV file are created and message templates match exactly.


Version 24.0.1 Release notes

January 2024

The Luminate Online 24.0.1 release contains security updates and compliance enhancements. The updates are available to all customers without the need to contact Blackbaud to enable.


Product Updates


Administrator Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Via SMS

With this release, Luminate Online administrators will now authenticate with a verified phone number for login. This update replaces the one-time codes that were sent to administrators via email.


Log In screen of Luminate Online shows a field to enter a mobile phone number

The frequency of authentication remains the same as the previous two-factor authentication email code. When the This connection is private option is selected, SMS authentication is not needed again for 30 days.

Tip: Admins on a private connection who previously authenticated location within the past 30 days may not be sent or prompted for a code after entering their phone number until the current authentication expires.

In MultiCenter environments, center admins can use the same phone number for different centers. SMS authentication is configured for each administrator for each site.

Note: This update applies only to administrators logging in to Luminate Online. The login experience for Event Managers, Company Coordinators, participants, and supporters does not change. API login behavior also does not change.


California Assembly Bill 488 Compliance

The State of California recently enacted legislation, California Assembly Bill 488 (CA AB488), which regulates online charitable fundraising in the state. The law prohibits charitable fundraising platforms, like Blackbaud, from assisting organizations not in “good standing” in California with making charitable solicitations to and receiving funds from California residents.

Note: Any U.S. registered charitable organization that operates or solicits donations in California is subject to this law. It does not impact organizations registered outside of the United States.

California aggregates data from three lists to determine whether charitable organizations are in good standing. For details of these lists, and what to do if your organization is on the list, see California Assembly Bill 488: Impact to Charitable Organizations.

Consistent with our legal obligation, beginning January 1, 2024, transactions made through Blackbaud solutions by California donors to organizations that are not in “good standing” will no longer be accepted. To comply, Luminate Online now enforces the following updates.


Recipient Charitable Organization Due Diligence (Part 4)

Luminate Online now prevents any transaction from a California address toward an organization that is active on one of the lists described in California Assembly Bill 488: Impact to Charitable Organizations. The restriction includes all transactions and all transaction types, including recurring, direct debit donations.

California donors, identified by zip code, are notified on the transaction page with the following message:

"California state law prohibits this transaction. Contact the organization to donate."

If a donor doesn't provide a zip code, the transaction is assumed to be from California and is prevented.


Information Delivery Requirements (Part 7)

Luminate Online now requires that donors be provided proof of a donation through a tax donation receipt. To comply, the Transaction Summary component in Donation Management was updated and is now enforced on the Thank You page.

The Transaction Summary component now includes the recipient organization name. For MultiCenter, the center name is used. Following a successful transaction, the on-screen transaction summary displays to the donor which allows them to review and print it out, if desired.

By default, every Thank You page contains a Transaction Summary. If removed, you cannot save the Thank You page until the Transaction Summary component is included. To allow for easy insert onto the page, the component is now available in the list of components that can be inserted in donor screens.

For previously-designed pages, if the Transaction Summary is not included on the donation form's Thank You page, it is automatically inserted at the bottom when the page renders.


Resolved Issues

No resolved issues were included in the 24.0 release.