Direct Content to Certain Users
By default, when you provide alternative text for empty personalization field, you are creating a conditional: EMPTY/NOT EMPTY. The WYSIWYG content editor also lets you apply more advanced conditionals to control what your users see. After entering the content for a specific group of users, you simply select that content and click , Conditionals, to specify which users can see it.
The following are the conditions that you can include -- depending on which application(s) you use:
Conditions depend on the type of custom field (for example, a string field allows the following operators: equals, not equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, begins with, does not begin with, contains, does not contain, is blank, is not blank)
Is an advocate
Is not an advocate
Is a donor
Is not a donor
In group
Not in group
Not interested
Is a Member
Is Not a Member
Current Application
Logged In
Not logged in
Security Category
URL contains
Donation Count
Amount Raised
Emails sent
Percent of goal
Is team captain
Is on a team
Personal page updated
Has a participant center
Additional Information (custom fields)
Session Information